Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Open Interior Claims in Vos
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Fantastic! Now you're ready to begin modding. Smile

When you're finished an interior, attach the .esp file/s in this thread, and one of us will review the interior/s.

-Remember to replace your AU abbreviation with the 'XX' shown in the claim ID.
Now I'm downloading the most recent Silgrad Tower assets. When I'm complete with this 242MB download, I'll begin my work.
I think I'll give a few claims a try. Haven't been too active lately, but I have some time available. Instead of using hammocks, we could always use the raised platform beds in ST, as they look a little more interesting when compared to the basic bedrolls found in Ob. I'll make an interior with one, and post what it looks like. Wink
I'd praise you for taking a claim, Dave, but you're running this friggin' mod - where have you been and why don't you visit more often? :|
Pm'ed you about that.

Regarding claims though- I've done the original claim I was working on a while back before my CS created a temp file and deleted the esp. (Vos08) Was having that same problem the other day, but I'm backing up more often now.

If you don't mind, I'll take on a few more claims, but I won't do the NPC's dialogue straight away. I'd rather get the interiors made, then fiddle around with the finer details afterwards. I'll still add AI though.
Yeah, that sounds fine...
I'll do Vos02. Vos08 is finished, and I'm working on the other one I claimed.
Sweet, go ahead and post 08, I'll back it up.
Here's the file:

Note: This doesn't contain the NPC/s yet. I'll add that to my things-to-do list.

I'm also waiting for the lowerclass dunmer bed (double), which will be added to the claim. The only issue is- there's no room for the furn. markers, meaning either a) reposition the bed, meaning altering the full cell or b) don't add a sleep package to the two NPC's here, and lock their doors with a non-existent key during a package (so player won't see them anyway (might be bad for thieves though :|)).
archived. Looks good, but you're right, not a lot of space. I'd say don't add the sleep package, no big deal.
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