Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Awesome! Well, seeing as my CS doesn't seem to want to contribute to the generation process, do you want to me to satrt making some touch-ups to what's already been created?
Sure... though I'm going to have to figure out how to solve this problem with Hla Oad first. Hla Oad doesn't seem to want to work properly with the landmass when I'm using the generated land. Sad

I'll split the regions into smaller sections, that way, we can all work on little bits, whilst not haveing too much. I'll split the Bitter Coast into about... 6 sections with the region data esp and attach it. I'll attach the generated trees esp too.

I think that we should definitely consider getting the generated stuff merged with the landmass and converted into a master. It's going to be a lot of work if people are making towns and tweaking the landmass beforehand.

We might need some more rocks, but I dunno if we should just use a few Oblivion ones...

Anyway, that sound okay?
Sounds good to me. And making the generation into an esm will solve that Hla Oad problem, I think.
That's what I was thinking..... I hope it works.

How bout the heightmap and generation and regions all merged into one master? Think it's worth a try?
Quote:Originally posted by Dave_91
How bout the heightmap and generation and regions all merged into one master? Think it's worth a try?

Yeah, a good idea, but not before they ae all done
Hmm... true. Though couldn't the changes made to the exteriors and whatnot be simply saved as esp's and merged to make the changes?
That could cause some conflicts in the borders between regions. Always happened to me in Morrowind. So it may be best to do it all at once? I actually have no clue what I'm talking about, I just can't seem to wrap my head around this generation feature. I've never used it before.
I'm not sure either, really. I've sent the files to sandor however, he's gonna check out the files. cire, I hope you don't mind waiting for a bit till we get comfirmation that the files are okay to work with. In the meantime, we can do some interiors or whatever. Smile
Right, I can do some more work on Ebonheart. And as much as I'm dreading it, we still have to claimify the dungeons *shiver*. That's gonna take a while, though.

Anyhow, if Sandor can't fix it, it's not broken, so let's hope we did have it all wrong Big Grin
The dungeons can wait, if you want. They're not really as priority as other stuff yet.

I'll re-do that Vos house and perhaps try a few Balmora houses.
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