Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: What levels is this for?
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Hi i just wanted to know if I could start playing this Mod at level one or with a new charcter?
If not what sort of character do I need to play this mod?
I have no problem playing on -100 difficluty either Smile)
Welcome to Silgrad Tower! :banana:

It's hard to say, Tekee. Some parts of the mod are aimed for certain levels, and others are made so the player's level doesn't matter much.

You'd probably be able to use the portals in the travel ESP to get to the cities at level one easily enough. Most of our content is in the cities, and you don't have to be at a specific level to explore them. You might have some difficulty with certain quests and in the wilderness though.
Yeah I agree with TID, it may be hard for you to explore the wilderness, and do certain quests, but the visuals are easy enough.
I can't relly tell you what level you should be, because I use two characters, one is level 45, and the other level 57.
I think you should be okay at level 14-18. Those sound about right.
Oh, and welcome to Silgrad :jump:
Thanks for your replies, I do have a character that I cheated to naturally evolved to level 10, so I will need to cheat some more money and train with the trainers Smile
It is worth it though?