Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Minotaur
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I was looking at the new mods, and I saw Slof's playable Xivilai. I thought that was pretty cool.
But the one thing I've looked all over for, and still cant find is a playable Minotaur.
With Custom hair, and horns. Also custom faces, so some have nose rings, some have earrings, some have both, and some have neither.
I was wondering if someone could give me a link, if there is one already, and if not maybe someone could make one. And I know I wouldn't be the only one to love it.
I could also create the armor, and weapon sets for them.
Then it'd be like a whole new race, and storyline for Oblviion.
Any help would be great.
THanks! :goodjob:
No, go ask Slof Tongue
The chances of Slof returning my email, or even thinking about it are slim to none.
But, I'll do it anyways Wink
Slof always returns emails.
lol. :lmao:
I must be the first non-return.
But that was a long time ago.
I already asked her, so I'm waiting for a response.