Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Interior reviewer(s).
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Interior reviewer(s).

The Silgrad Tower team is looking for preferably two reviewers.


- A sharp eye concerning bleeding and floating.
- A basic understanding of how the AI works.
- A basic understanding of how the Dialogue works.
- A basic understanding concerning the lighting and pathgrids.
- You have (to have a friendly attitude) to help (new) modders and explain why things should be changed.
- Check the reviewing criteria.

How does it work?

The first 5 - 10 interiors we'll both review the claims and compare the results. I'll explain what has to be changed and why (when applicable).

After that you can start with your reviews independent of my input.
Of course you may always ask my advice etc.

I am not stopping with the reviewing, I only want to reduce the number of (fully) reviewed claims, so I have more time for my other responsibilities.
Before merging the interiors to the esm, I always have to check the files (mini-review).

The status of a Reviewer on our team

- Limited moderator status (after you completed the first 5-10 reviews).

You may ask anything you like concerning modding and our mod and I'll explain it (to broaden your horizon and to improve your knowledge).

Please send a PM to me (sandor) and after discussing it with the Core, we'll decide if you're a suitable candidate.




I am still looking for a suitable candidate.
Bump Smile