Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Hello People !!!

Long Live The World Of Elders Scroll !!!

This is my first post on this forum, maybe someone asked about this before, but i couldn't find any thread about the Soltsheim island. My question is: "Will the Vvardefel mod for TES4 be compatible with The Shivering Isles addon and the Soltsheim mod ?" Below is a link to this mod, although i guess lot of You already know it.
Not that I'm involved in this mod but there is no reason for it not to be compatible with Soltsheim.. even if Soltsheim contains (morrowind) landmass of Vvardenfell*. There isn't any reason for it not to work with SI either. I don't know if it will rely on SI.

*Depends somewhat on how they imported the heightmap..
Btw, why is the game called The Elder Scrolls?
The only thing that I can think of, would be disappearing LOD/distant land. As long as they aren't using a worldspace ID called 'Vvardenfell', I guess it should be fine.

Edit- Oh, and yes, we're using SI assets. SI will be required.
Quote:Originally posted by Johnny-Luk@
Btw, why is the game called The Elder Scrolls?

The Elder Scrolls see the future(and past) and if I'm not all off it's because all you do as a hero(main plot) has been forseen..
Makes sence...
I think it's something from the first game and is still used as a brand.
Why would we make our mod with compat with another mod? Does that even make sense to you? We are very busy doing our work not just to add to the pile to make it work with another mod.
The mod you linked to contains an isolated landmass. Nothing is modified outside of it. And when we needed an asset from vanilla Oblivion that was not in its original form, we created a brand new copy of the original ID and modified that, instead of modifying the original ID itself.

But there is one issue I can think of, load order for that Solstheim master file has to be "01" or the distant landmass will not appear. The distant props will appear though, free of bugs, as long as the Vvardenfell Team doesn't use a worldspace called "zzMorrowind". And I doubt they use one, they seem to use other ID prefixes anyway...
Quote:Originally posted by Ebonyknight
Why would we make our mod with compat with another mod? Does that even make sense to you? We are very busy doing our work not just to add to the pile to make it work with another mod.
Are you always like that? You act like a major jerk 24/7. No offence, but it's the fact.
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