Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Woho! Elite's Corner is up!
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I just wanted to inform everyone that my site is partically up!
It's just a few minor thing. I've added a forum too, it's reached by this link.
If you guys wonder where i got the database, i got it from freesql, wich i've linked to from my website.
Report if you have any problems with the site!
Just click on the link in my signature!
Ciao! Smile

No problems so far ... and I even registered on your forum. =)

Nice place you got there.


Looks good, Elite! Smile

Unless you used Times New Roman on purpose, can I pitch it to you that you switch out this line in your code:
<body bgcolor="#afc5aa">

for something like this one, where 10px is the size and the list of fonts show which should be displayed if the user has them, in order of importance:
<body bgcolor="#afc5aa" style="font: 10px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">

Just an idea Smile

Oh, and I have an idea for something you could write that could attract visitors - an article describing the benefits of the freesql site and how that works. I know a lot of hosted sites that have asked for sql databases but we're just not able to set those up for hosted sites, and so they'd have to contend with hosting their forums on less suitable servers. I think an article about freesql would be an interesting read for a lot of people - including me :yes: What do you think of that?
I'm not that good at writing articles.
I'll try that with the font thingy.
I update the site everyday(incase anyone didn't see it on my site(if i even have it on my site, hehe)).
I think i'll use the magic font instead, you know, the font you use on the main page.
If it doesn't turn out good, i'll usei it for the title.
Such as: h1, h2, h3 etc.

Cheers, 1337.
I added an affilate tab/navigationbar on my website, and it looks great!
Uhm, the question was that, who would want to affilate with me?
Just drop a reply and give me a link to the banner.
I currently have two banner avaible.(look here)
My website can be accesed by a click on the text in my signature, or here.

Quote:Originally posted by 1337Elite
I added an affilate tab/navigationbar on my website, and it looks great!
Uhm, the question was that, who would want to affilate with me?
Just drop a reply and give me a link to the banner.
I currently have two banner avaible.(look here)
My website can be accesed by a click on the text in my signature, or here.


As a hosted site you can add your banner button to the directory on's front page if you want. There's info and links and such in the website account confirmation PM. Good luck on your link exchanging! =)
As the old forum stopped working, or what the heck it did, i've replaced it with a phpBB forum! It has some things that need polishing. Like the banner/header and the boards. The current theme is pretty clean, but i will try to make it a bit clearer with new board rows. That's all i have to say folks!
Edit: Ow.. I forgot to add a link... again... for the fifth time... Well here is the link: [Linky]

~1337 :elk:

I've decided to create a Morrowind FAQ site instead of that multi-content site.
It was kind of hard to manage the old site. I hope the Faq grows big and helps some people.
The Elder Scrolls Faq
