Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [MG Quest] Strangely Immobile [4] - Open for Claim
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This is the fourth quest in the Mages Guild questline, and meant as a bit of 'comic'-quest, with funny dialogue from the arguing couple...

Short: What happens if your newlywed wife is a witch and you cheated on her? Everyone in a certain house where a marriage reception was being held is now paralyzed. The Mages Guild has quarantained the house, it's up to you to find out what happened.
Boss: Horuscia Ratori, Master Wizard of the Soluthis Compound
Reward: 1000 coins.
Promotion: -
  1. Horuscia Ratori
    Race: Imperial
    Male/Female: Female
    Vampire: No
    Rank: Master Wizard of the Soluthis compound
    - Voice done by

    Full Story:
    A Mages Guild Magician is getting married in Soluthis, but the party after has gone awry: every single person at the party, in the house, is paralyzed and they do not respond to normal treatment. As a precaution, the Mages Guild has quarantained the house.

    It's your job to heal these people. When you get in the house, you'll find everyone on the ground, paralyzed. When you look around further in the house you'll find a red light emanating from a Orb of Themalia, the player activates it.

    You're still in the house, just now everything looks green (and you can't walk out the door). You walk around the house and eventually you'll find the newlyweds arguing. You'll have to mediate between them before the Magician tells you how to stop the spell: cast a frostball to the Orb.

    Dialogue & Triggers:
This is good as is

Can't wait to see the dials for this couple Smile

This quest tops my favorite self-written quests of the Mages Guild, yeah Wink

( 1: Strangely Immobile, 2: Rituals, Rituals, Rituals, 3: The Big Bad )