Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Beyond Cyrodiil Blog - October 2007
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Lately, the blog has been pretty silent, I want to change that. But to do that, I need news to post, so I ask you: if there's anything you want me to post on the blog, just send me a PM with in the title [BCB], with the story and I'll upload it.

The blog is located here:

Thanks for reminding us about this. Its easy to lose track.
Maybe we could have a news article about our decision to make a new heightmap, or about the plan to create a speedtree resource pack for the BC mods Confusedhrug:

But i'm not any good with news articles, i don't even know where to start.
Hmm, I'll think about writing a progress report or something like that.
I'll see what I can come up with...

I'm introducing a new system on the blog: one (or two, doesn't really matter) representative(s) of all the BC mods will receive the ability to post articles, blogitems & newsitems without me as a middleman.

If you're interested in this: just email me.

I sent an email. Thanks for letting us know.