Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Models for the trailer
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Righto, as DA said, we should concentrate on getting things for the trailer done. We need a model for Khenarthi's Marker, concept here:
Khenarthi's Marker/ Griffin statue
Priority: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: of 5
might be fun to attach sounds to this model - yowling, purring, 'big-cat coughing' flapping wings stuff like that...
that would be very interesting
I'm not certain I understand what you're suggesting.
just an ambient sound placed by the statue of Khenarthi purring or growling and stuff. it would create a bit of suspense during the quest. the PC approaches the statue, hears some growling/purring/coughing and looks around, expecting an attack, to see that there's no living thing for miles. the PC glances at the staute and realizes that somehow, thats whats making the sound, as if Khenarthi herself is letting the PC know they are on the right track.
Ah, very cool idea :yes:
Link broken.