Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: SpeedTree multiple textures question
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Hello again-

I've made a few trees with speedtree now and I've got them working in game. They look nice, but they could look better. Does anyone know how to make different areas of one texture map for the leaves to work? Oblivions speedtrees use leaf textures that are divided in 2 and 3 areas. I can't seem to figure out how to do that in speedtree.

Even better- Is it possible to use more than one leaf texture for a tree?

Leaves--->texture maps--->add--->then for the texture map you added, click the image of the leave and choose an different texture.

I guess I should clarify- How do you make the CS give the tree 2 textures? When you set up a new tree in the CS, you select the leaf texture and I can only find a way to select one. I guess that's why most their leaf textures are multiple leafs combined into one .dds. I can't figure out how to get certain areas of one dds to work in the speedtree cad.
You need a version of Speedtree that can handle composite maps.
Ahhh- That would explain it. Thanks Razorwing