Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Seeing Bob's thread about a TES3 quest involving tainted skooma and Ra's plant thread, it came to me: what plant does moonsugar come from? A quick search thoughout ST was unsuccessful, so I thought I'd ask the inhabitants of the Khajiit Triangle itself. Smile

i think its probably some type of sugarcane typ plant...
It does come from canes.
It comes from plain old sugar cane, and is refined in a slightly different manner than ordinary sugar, giving different effects.
Is the process secret among the Khajiit or is cane only grown in Elsweyr? Maybe a request for a model should be made to Ra. Smile

Ja-Kha'jay: Any success with the canopy?

PGEv1 says Tenmar Forest only. Still from Sugarcanes though..
The process to make Skooma? If so; I'd say it isn't but it isn't profitable to buy Moon Sugar(smuggled) from Elsweyr and make Skooma out of it, the Skooma coming (smuggled) from Elsweyr is cheaper and probably better.

Moon Sugar hasn't be grown anywhere else that Elsweyr, though I've only heard of a attempt at Vvardenfell. Which was domed from the start..
Hmmm. Perhaps the canes grown in Tenmar leech toxins out of the soil, and creates moon sugar from it, and canes grown anywhere else in the province just produces ordinary sugar. Perhaps its just the nature of Tenmar, almost everything there is toxic in one way or another, why not the sugar too. The Khajiiti picked up on the effects of moon sugar and preferentially partake of it over ordinary sugar, whereas the ordinary sugar still remains a major (and legal) export product to the rest of the empire (moon sugar being banned)

SACarrow: Not good. i don't understand why my game crashes when i type that console command.

Thanks for bringing up this subject, this is good info to have even though our quest idea seems a small task in the big picture of it all, its always good to have info incase someone questions what we do.

another question to ask?
is it true that niteshade is also required to make skooma

As far as I know Nightshade isn't required to make Skooma, and we don't know what is. An Alchemist’s Guide to Skooma is what says it requires Skooma and no official lore does as far as I know.

And Skooma suddenly got a lethal limit...
bob196045: Maybe nightshade can be used in the process in your quest. On a first reading, it struck me that they were trying to develop a skooma substitute. If the cane has to be from a certain region or if the refining process is secret, then people might improvise. Smile

Ja-Kha'jay: One last question before taking this to PM. Does the crash occur on a vanilla savegame w/o additional mods loaded? You can PM me if you like, 'cause that is a weird one. Sad

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