Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Mod DB entry-mind if I register us?
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I'd be willing to do our PR untill my scripting skills become sufficiant (plugging our mod whenever possible, linking to our forums for interested modders) and i just got the Mod DB Idea because 4 other OB mods have their info up and ready for work once ob is released.
Let me know because I'll have our site on MDB up in 20-30 min if I get an ok.
That's fine with me, PR would be good to ahve for now.
please tell me what the abbreviations stand for... I'm tired, sick, and just got home from a horrible but interesting camping trip... Smile
o... I knew about mod data base already!!!
wow... if I knew thats what you guys meant I would say,"hell yeah!"

...whcih equals: yes, please, feel free to do so! :goodjob:
Don't forget to also add your site to places like google (obviously) but also the other semi-big engines like, and Also you might want to be in the google directory for TES IV: Oblivion. Oh, and the more sites that link to you, the more popular google will think your site is and so will list it higher up.
thanks for the advice Razorwing, I (we) truly appreciate it!
now who wants to do this stuff.... if nobody volunteers I'll go around doing that....
but if there's a volunteer to register and adding sites to engines, then they can let me know and can play "cyber-diplomat" for a little while... but if there's any info-fill-in thats special.... let me know!
(for example: name-Tes4 Vvardenfell, or category- mod.... its not crucial stuff that I'd like to take a look at or be consulted on)
I'll get us on Mod Database tonight. I have some time
thanks :goodjob:
registered...Kukulza, I need your email because as of right now, all traffic of email from interested people comes to me...
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