Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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For quite some time we discussed the need or non-need for a Thieves guild in Silgrad, we even discussed and polled what kind of role the guild would have within Silgrad and the conclusion was that the Thieves Guild would be a small part of Silgrad, Additionally we would like to see this guild take on more of a Bal Molagmar stance and the Actual "Thieves Guild" play a very small roll.


Thieves Guild: 4 or 5 quests, Non Joinable

Bal MolagMar 10 quests, Joinable

Do we need a steward ? Yes

Do we need a questline ? Yes

Interested persons should propose a questline which encompasses the role of the Bal Molagmar, a small "robinhoodish" type faction, lead by the semi-retired Gentleman Jim Stacey

(Bringing Jim back in order to pass on the torch once more will work fine)

If the player in MW played the Quests and got the Key from Jim, Jim retired. But with the Nerevarine character off venturing in other lands and the need for the Bal Molagmar, Jim will appear to introduce the questline providing our new player with a new set of tools to perform his/her job (IE gloves of the Bal Molagmar)

If you are interested in this type of questline
Please reply to this post

The key was in cyrodiil however by Oblivion.

I liked Jim, bring him back!
Quote:Originally posted by Dephenistrator
The key was in cyrodiil however by Oblivion.

Dont quite understand what you mean here

I liked Jim, bring him back!

We need a guild Steward.... interested ?????

Big Grin

Don't remember exactly, but I think the Gray Fox gives you the skeleton key in Oblivion, hinting that it is in Cyrodiil. I think it was the gray fox, either way you do get it in vanilla oblivion.
Just to clarify things, the Skeleton key was in oblivion, as a reward for the daedric shrine quest of Nocturnal.

Because the skeleton key is a daedric artifact, lore says that it has many owners, as it's associated daedra chooses. This is established in the book Tamrielic Artifacts, which does not mention the key, but does say repeatedly that daedric artifacts are extremely choosy about their owners.

Either way, logically Jim Stacey does not have the key, because he either gave it to the Nerevarine, who disappeared (and conceivably lost possession of the artifact), or had it stolen off his dead body. Or Nocturnal could have simply reclaimed the key.

Wow, i said all that about one artifact? Man.

But yeah, to have a guild, you need quite obviously a guild steward, who is adept at making interiors, NPCs, quests, and scripting. And is also interested in doing insane amounts of work. Sound like you? Then give it a go.
Actually it does, This is the kind of thing I do all day when I get home from work. Unfortunatley I would have to retrack my statement about me spending all my time on the Morag Tong missions If I choose this. (Though I'm still interested in working a quest or so on it, I like the Morag Tong alot.)