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Greetings fellow feline lovers!

I'm making a quest revolving around Khajiit lore. I was directed here as a good place to ask for help.

I aim to bring a quest to vanilla oblivion that introduces some deeper Khajiit lore to the gameworld, but it'd be great if that lore agreed with your own (lets face it, lore on Khajiit is extremely limited and open to interpretation).

Anyone who can cast an eye over this text and give pointers as to the lore validity would be greatly appreciated. Names, dates, culture etc.

Rid-T'krin-ri'Dariit - The Forgotten Mane

First, for those members of the Elder Council not briefed in the nuances of Khajiit society and Manes, a few brief paragraphs of introduction.


For those not familiar with Khajiit society the word 'Mane' may not mean much. In essence, a Mane is a leader of birthright, albeit not hereditary as in most other cultures.

A Manes birthright depends on, like most things seem to in Elsweyr, ja-Kha'jay (Moonstrings) - a magical force influenced by Nirm's twin-moons Masser and Secunda. Manes may only be born during the rare alignment of Masser and Secunda, something that attributes to them a divine right to rule. Many Khajiit believe there is only one Mane who is reincarnated at each new alignment when a third moon appears in the sky.

What is certain is that there are no chronicles of two (or more) Manes being prominent during the same period. The Manes right to rule sees him sit right at the top of Khajiit power, above all nobility and government.

Manes and Politics

Although not unheard of, Manes generally do not interfere in the direct governance of Elsweyr. Their political role is primarily one of Head of State, passing motions decided upon in the chambers of government and facilitating the unique power-sharing system in operation in Elsweyr.

I have read many times that the Manes reach is one of a 'thinly-veiled dictatorship' and, while technically true, it is rarely realised. The Khajiit word for Rules is thjizzrini ('foolish concepts'), which ought to give insight into their view of civil obedience.

Manes and Religion

Born under the Third Moon, Manes are destined to be spiritual conduits for Khajiit religion. It is perhaps this role which defines the Mane most clearly - a spiritual leader who presides over his litter above all other power structures.

This fact illustrates the power of belief inherent in Khajiit society. It's not so much that the Mane demands the respect of government, but that the Mane has the respect of most Khajiit. Government must remain sensitive to this loyalty lest they find their positions untenable. It is this element of Khajiit society that empowers the Mane more than any other.


The Etymology of the name Dariit is worthy of explanation. In Khajiit tongue (Ta'Agra) 'iit' means 'to walk'. It is often used to describe what one does or is e.g. Khaj (desert) iit (to walk) compound to become Khajiit, or 'Desert Walker'. 'Dar' is closest to our word thief.

In Ta'Agra this does not necessarily have bad connotations and can equally be used to describe someone who is cunning, clever or skilled in use of their hands. Exactly how Dariit was bestowed with this name is unknown and your speculation is as good as mine.

Born to clan Krin, Dariit (or Rid-T'krin-Ri'Dariit to title him fully) seems to have broken somewhat with convention. On his ascension he quickly sought to use his power for political ends. Seizing control of the twin governments he started to open diplomatic channels with many of Elsweyr's neighbours, including Tamriel.

How he justified such autocratic action is unknown, although all accounts seem to signify a highly philosophical and reflective feline. Perhaps the Ta'Agra phrase "q'zi no vano thzina valizz" (when I contradict myself I tell the truth) may help us understand.

Dariit and the Empire

For a long time the borders of Elsweyr have been closed to the Empire and, save for Skooma smuggling, trade and exchange has been almost non- existent. Thus, despite the best intentions of our spy networks, the period of Dariit's ascendancy is not exactly clear.

A good estimate seems to place him right before the 5 Year War between Elsweyr and Valenwood (3E 394-3E 399), more than 40 years ago. What makes Dariit most peculiar among Manes is that there seems to be record of him visiting Imperial City several times for an audience with Uriel VII, our late Emperor.

I cannot divulge my source of this information nor would it be prudent to do so. The senior members among you ought to understand this best (and may even be aware of these meetings already). Regardless, such meetings are unheard of before or since.

Our archives hint at Dariit's eagerness to open Elsweyrs borders to Imperial trade, albeit in exchange for the acceptance of his absolute authority over the land of Elsweyr. We cannot be sure of his manner of home governance, though he did aggressively pursue a foreign policy unseen in Elsweyr for many eras. It should be noted that many Khajiit refugees spread from Elsweyr during this time.

While it may paint a rather bleak picture that right before the 5 Year War the leading Khajiit authority was being courted by the Emperor, we should consider such meetings in historical context.

3E 989-3E 399 saw the empire ruled by Jagar Tharn in the guise of Uriel VII, I seek not to implicate Dariit in any complicity or warmongering on his part. Whilst it would be easy for us to attribute blame in his direction (especially in light of his autocratic tendencies), it should be noted all records of Dariit cease after his final meeting with 'Uriel VII' in 3E 390, a meeting that was ultimately with Jagar Tharn himself.

The Madness of Dariit

Dariit carried an amulet with him at all times with which he was said to confer on important matters. A close scribe of the Emperor describes;

"On audience with Uriel VII, the Khajiit Mane Dariit exhibited some eccentric behaviour. Often he would drift out of conversation, withdrawing into himself. Mumbling incoherently in his Khajiit tongue he would touch the amulet around his neck on which was depicted an unknown lady. The Emperor waits patiently on such occasions with sadness in his eyes, torn between his desire to improve diplomatic relations with Elsweyr and bargaining with an autocratic madcat. Dariit appears to call the amulet 'Neff'."

The Disappearance of Dariit

In 3E 390 Dariit would make his last journey to the Imperial City. Little is known of this visit although we can speculate that it did not end well. Unknown to Dariit he was meeting with an imposter, Jagar Tharn, and as with many meetings of this era it probably was more destructive than constructive.

Soon after came the 5 Years War, almost certainly a cruel manipulation by Tharn. Those uncertain 5 years obscure much in the land of Elsweyr, though important Khajiit acquaintances of mine are adamant that Dariit never left the Imperial City, either alive or dead.

The Importance of Dariit

The legacy that this feline left is an incomplete as the cat himself. Was he a revolutionary statesman - a new breed of Khajiit ruler - or a despised despot twisted by madness?

I am recommending that you fund more research in this matter which may be of utmost importance to the relations between The Empire and Elsweyr. Autocratic or not, Dariit displayed a fondness for The Empire that could only benefit our interests in Elsweyr. We should seek to exploit his legacy in any way that we can.
Wow, this is very nice
wow, this is very nice. everything seems in order lore-wise. What to plan on doing with Dariit, as we could maybe work the result into our main quest.
While I can't assert the accuracy of some of your lore, its very well written. There's is fantastic attention to detail, and if you have the requisite moding skills, or the drive to learn, I'm certain it would be a fantastic mod. I'm not sure what you intend to do with the actual quest portion, but I'll say that I'm willing to talk to the other core members about possibly letting you use some of our khajiit resources to help enrich your mod, create consistancy, and maybe ceate some interest in others to mod for Elsweyr.
I'm not sure what I want to do with Dariit, I'm leaning towards simply having him dead long ago. His amulet will be the main focus of the mod and will reveal him to not be quite as mad as appearances would suggest. Inside the amulet lives an Ohmes, a close advisor and confident to Dariit. It is through this Khajiit I will tell most of Dariit's story. I want to enrich the journey to to amulet with as much lore as possible so that non-Khajiit lovers simply stop thinking of them as 'those cat people'.

Modding wise I'm fairly competent. I can script, use the CS etc. I can't model/texture but I can put models/textures together and break them apart.

Props on going all out to create Elsweyr! I was really disappointed to learn that Beth copyrighted Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and not Elderscrolls V: Elsweyr. Some of your lore literature is fantastic, If I could use or reference it in my mod that would be outstanding. I'd love to send the player to locations in Elsweyr too, but as I said I'm no modeller. I think that's my biggest disappointment so far (particularly when inside the amulet which uses imperial architecture).
I would suggest the temple interior from the public use desert architecture tileset for that, if you don't like how iconic that model has become, then perhaps you could create something interesting using the exterior components of Shewter's Orcrest tileset to create an interior. You're welcome to reference our literature lore, but any direct use, please ask first. Also, credits are always nice.
Check the Multi-media Trailer - assembly Thread. You will find some of our Lore there, plus there is Ban Dar - that thread is floating around too - ancient bandit / god.

We had a developing Lore section, which I found very useful, but someone decided it was not good enough, junked it on the promise that they were going to upgrade it and have done nothing since Confusedhrug:

I do like the style of your presentation - by the way I think this is Literature so once you have responded I will either move it or copy it to lit if you are in here.

If you release an Ob add-on then that would not interfere with its inclusion here. Of course it would be nice if this writing/lore either forms the basis for 2 interlinked quests or that the Ob quest has no relevance to the Elsweyr quest.

As for ES V - Beth likes to go with 'winners' and the Nords always manage to seem like winners (at least legends in their own minds) despite getting their asses kicked so many times. Note the naked Nords wandering around Vvardenfell. There they are, literally stripped of all their possessions by a number of different people, bleating like lambs for succour, yet they are up for attacking and arguing with just about anyone and anything they meet! As bad as Bosmer ...

Historically their role is to invade others = agressive and that is popular with the console crowd. All that remains is for Bethsoft to remove the comic aspect and mess alll the lore up, and consoles will love it - yup ESV = Yoshi#33
I've got to say I'm pretty much dropping out raggid.. I'm losing my interest..

There is no true government in Elsweyr, but the one imposed by the Empire. Before Tiber Elsweyr was more a chunk of land under same name that a nation.

The Khajiit word for Rules is thjizzrini ('foolish concepts'), which ought to give insight into their view of civil obedience.

I believe thats the word closes to rules, seeing at when you translate back its 'foolish concepts'.
Quote:"Iit" is more like what men and mer call a job. Khaj is desert or sand, yes, and Khajiit is, as men would say, "one who sands" or "one who deserts." But men do not know what one does in a desert: walk. So we Khajiit say it means "desert walker." A budi is a kind of shirt often worn by Ohmes, so a budiit is a kind of tailor. "Iit" also shows where one lives. "Senchal'iitay" means "Jobasha lived in Senchal." So Khajiit also means one who lives in the desert.
A quote from Jobasha that is very useful when looking at the name Dariit.

Imperials had forts within Elsweyr 40 years ago, the war might have made it hard to spy much..

Seizing control of the twin governments he started to open diplomatic channels with many of Elsweyr's neighbours, including [the rest of]Tamriel (or) [the Empire].

Elsweyr is on Tamriel you know. And the Empire seems to fit better..