Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: I am confused on installation
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Okay this may be the wrong place for this and I apologize but the guide for installation is a little vague. I have extracted the files and the guide says to put them into my data directory why cant I put it in my mods folder and how do I add it to the list on Oblivion Mod manager so I can activate it. I would put the files in my data directory if I have to but what do I do about the music folder? Do I replace it? Rename it? Because I do not want to lose Oblivions original music.

Once again I apologize if this is the wrong place I am new to adding oblivion mods
It's exactly the right place to post questions such as yours Smile

Yes, the folders called "meshes", "Music" and so on from our archive should be moved over to the Oblivion\Data folder on your computer. You'll be prompted whether to overwrite if the files have the same name (or something like that, I forgot the English message). Our mod doesn't alter any of Oblivion's files, so go ahead and click yes.

I can't help much with your other problem since I don't use thirdparty mod managers myself. But I know others here do and maybe they can help you further on that.
what about the read me file?
Quote:Originally posted by Bigboss
what about the read me file?

It won't cause any problems if extracted to Oblivion/Data but on the other hand it has served its purpose once you've read it (if you want to).