Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Question about TES4:V
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^ Oh no, they were all good questions. Anyhow, we're happy to have you on board! :banana:
I've been reading up some of the threads and such and I am kinda confused. Is the PC in TES4:Vv the same one from TES4? Or is it a different one entirely not connected?
I believe we were supposed to be having it so that you must have completed the Ob main quest to be invited to Vvardenfell (Champion of Cyrodiil), but I'm not sure if we're still going ahead with that idea.
Yeah, yeah, we'll get to that when we actually have a Vvardenfell to be invited to!
Big Grin

Personally I'd rather it just be a stand-alone mod cause I'd rather not have to complete the main quest again just for this compy.
But it fits better Wink
about St Jiub there was a storyline in Lit Dev - another jewel lost or buried that told the tale of Jiub's life and travails.

about that NPC - try seeing stuff like that as either clues or misinformation. that nPC or his/her source could be mistaken about the whole thing, or about the details.

wot no scar? no plastic surgery?

could be that Jiub was born again ... wot with Gods and Daedra Princes and Avatars and stuff think big ... and read that story about the life of St Jiub!
Here is the linky to that story by Joe Venice
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