Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: The problem with the dungeon doors
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In some cases the doors we use for moldcaves don't work, and in other cases they work fine. When they don't work they simply refuse to let you activate them, and don't display text at the bottom right acknowledge that you're pointing at them. The problem happened to two locations I set up in Soluthis recently.

My first hunch was that the problem was with the door's collision, so I revised it to only use one collision object (which I think Bethesda always did). No change. So I revised the collision of the huge entrance rock - no change. I deleted the hermit's crook and cobwebs, but again no change. I was confused for awhile because Oblivion just shouldn't behave that way, especially since I had gotten the doors to work in the past. Lastly I dragged out a copy of each dungeon door type and dropped them near the dungeon entrance, and tested again. This time the normal loaddoor activated, but not the animated doors - and the answer to the problem became clear. Collision from other objects interfered with the collision of the doors. I would never have guessed that, since it was a long time ago that bleeding collision caused problems.

The problem will sort itself out as I update more and more models to use primitive collision, but I'll prioritize the ones that are the most likely candidates to interfere with door teleportation. In this case the likely culprit is the emperor parasols. If you come across the problem outside Soluthis please jot down the cell coordinates and I'll investigate it. Smile
Could this happen with flora as well? Some of the harvestable flora on Fishermen's Island (60, 18 as of v2.84) does not appear initially. I thought that although flora may not yield anything, it should at least be available for harvesting initially, then once a harvest attempt is made, the activator symbol won't appear for a while. The roo rush plant near the Redoran house is a notable offender, but using tcg doesn't show any obvious conflicts.
