Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Ja-Kha'jay's New Ta'agra words
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This is for me to keep track of Ta'agra words I have made up for various reasons. Given are their literal translations and their corresponding english words.

Jaji - this one - I/me (only in generic dialogue)
Shanjijri - grows from ground - plant/tree
Shan-vasa-jijri - grows under ground - tubers/roots
Naba-Shanjijri - is not a plant - fungus/fungi
Naba - is not
vasa - under
Shan - to grow
jijri - skin/ground
Nirnijijri- skin of Nirni - Nirns crust (like earth)
Jajo- that one - you/it (only in generic dialogue)
yajjira - to copy - copycat, mimic, wannabe
mor-jo'Khaj- dark desert spirits (toyb)
They all seem to fit, but I'm uncertain about jajo, haven't seen any official that have that feel, but it should be feen.
Jajo is based off jaji, as it's opposite, and really is only being used in generic dialog. i can use a different word if you want. in real quests names will be used instead.
No, it's fine. I had always just assumed that the Khajiit tendancy to use This/That one in "english" was because that was the best they could do with the language and that there was no such distinction in the Khajiit language. This is fine though, and would be less confusing to players.
i created it to stop the overuse of this/that one in generic dialogue, it sounds really weird then i'm speaking it. e.g.

"This one is finally getting around to reading "Five Songs of King Wulfharth." This one just wishes this one had more time to read it."

just not right. jaji/jajo sounds odd, but it helps to break up the monotony.
Big Grin do we have : over, above, light, sky etc too?
will work on it
Well, if you get the inspiration that would be fine. Just lookin ahead to other parts of the mod, eh? =)

I wonder if they have many onomatapeic words?

Heh, and are there Khajiit things that they have more words for than any other people? Smile

Like the desert dwellers who have loads of words for sand and water ...
"For instance, calling Jobasha "M'basha" would be unwise. Khajiit respect men and mer, but we do not wish to be compared to you." source

M' would be child...or vigrin...
going by the rest of the sentence, "basha" would be something like "a human race" like Imperial or Altmer....
Important stuff moved to new thread.