Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Converting Dunmer gold to real gold
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As some of you know we have our own brand of gold in the mod. I've been thinking on and off about how to solve the problem with it, because the player can't use the gold items as real gold. He can only sell them as misc items, which feels a bit strange.

I would imagine it wouldn't be a good idea to add a script to each gold coin that transforms it to game gold when the player picks it up, because that could tally up to a great deal of scripts in an interior. We could have an exchange office where an NPC counts the amount of Dunmer gold the player has and converts it to game gold, but I guess that would become annoying quick.

The best idea I can think of, both in terms of FPS and user-friendlyness, is to write a conversion script, attach it to an object, and stick that object near the entrance of any cell that has Dunmer gold in it. When the player first enters the cell odds are nothing will happen (because he hasn't picked up any Dunmer gold yet), but when he walks out the gold he picked up would be tallied and converted seamlessly.

What do you guys think? Perhaps there is a better idea I didn't think of?
I love the exchange office idea... It gives just that tad more to do in the cities, and remember that most who'll come to Silgrad Tower will already have alot of money in reserve - not that many start a new char for a new landmass - so they won't have to run up and down constantly.
I didn't know this

It would be reasonable to say that the Dunmer Gold probably has no value in Cyrodiil, I say this because the Imperials are a conquering sort and it would be hard to see them accepting other currency, it would be more likely they would require any and all provinces under their rule to adhere to their currency system.

So I would like to understand

Is this "Dunmer Gold" considered old money ? or is it just the Local Currency

Quote:Originally posted by bob196045
I didn't know this

It would be reasonable to say that the Dunmer Gold probably has no value in Cyrodiil, I say this because the Imperials are a conquering sort and it would be hard to see them accepting other currency, it would be more likely they would require any and all provinces under their rule to adhere to their currency system.

So I would like to understand

Is this "Dunmer Gold" considered old money ? or is it just the Local Currency

I think it should be a local currency.

Quote:Originally posted by Cuthalion
I love the exchange office idea...

Quote:Originally posted by RazorwingWhen the player first enters the cell odds are nothing will happen (because he hasn't picked up any Dunmer gold yet), but when he walks out the gold he picked up would be tallied and converted seamlessly.
I could write the script.

We could make it so that our vendors don't sell their wares to a PC who doesn't have enough local currency in his/her inventory.
OK so if it is considered "local currency" then all vendors in the Morrowind Province should accept it. The only time you would need to exchange it is if traveling to Cyrodiil, in which case any bank should be able to exchange it and even some vendors might offer to exchange it when asked, of course the rate of exchange might vary from one vendor to another

Could it be made that certain Vendors can have this Topic "Exchange Money" and offer to do so and the exchange rate can be haggled for just like buying something

Gold is hard coded into the engine, I don't think you'll be able to get merchants to use anything but the default currency. A conversion script is either going to have to convert the cash without telling the player, which will leave them confused, or use a messagebox/notice, breaking immersion. Either way it's a loose/loose situation.

It's also worth pointing out that the entire Empire uses the same currency, so your own currency will not only be inferior gameplay mechanics wise, but it'll break the lore too.
Quote:Originally posted by bob196045

Could it be made that certain Vendors can have this Topic "Exchange Money" and offer to do so and the exchange rate can be haggled for just like buying something
Yes (for the local currency).
I'm having a hard time understanding why you're having different gold. Didn't you all play Morrowind and notice that, just like the rest of the Empire, everyone used Imperial currency? This seems unnecessary, lore-breaking, and just.... well. Unnecessary. Tongue
Well this turned out to be an interesting topic.

I agree that everyone uses the same currency, but I do not agree that it is breaking lore to have a Dunmer coin

All cultures produce thier own currency in varying form, the Dwemer even had their own coin, I am sure the Dunmer did as well at some point in their ancestry, why did we never see this? I can not answer, but I do not believe it is because it did not exsist.

It would probably be more likely that the Dunmer currency should be treated as the Dwemer currency was in Morrowind, but thats not my call.

Even still some hardcore Dunmer cultures would probably still use their own coin, similar to that of (as an example) the US confederate currency, though after the war the confederate currency became valueless some hardline confederate slave owners still held to that as their primary source of financial trade, of course this lead them to bankruptcy Smile

The point being that the Dunmer coin can exsist and be used without toppling the lore wall.

The question is in what capacity

As a method of trade between the Dunmer or as a Misc Item to be sold at a set value ?

I didn't mean for the topic to get so advanced. The idea of it being Dunmer gold is just for clarification here, it's not something that will be told the player. It's gold that looks different than the gold in Oblivion, nothing more nothing less. (Hopefully in time it'll look more like the gold from TES3, if I can get hold of good textures.)

But Bob raises an interesting point. Instead of us saying it's just different-looking gold, we could say that it's gold produced before Morrowind joined the Empire. There's a logical justification for such gold to exist, because any culture from the bronze age forward produced currency. There's also a logical justification for normal shops not to accept it, since the currency isn't in distribution anymore. So I like that idea a lot because it lets our gold exist without going against the rules, while keeping the complexity of the scripting/modding at a manageable level by excluding normal shops from dealing with the coins.

I really like Cuthalion's point about an exchange office giving more to do in cities :goodjob: So that sways my personal opinion in favor of such locations rather than a script in the dungeons with gold in them.

Even if shops won't take Dunmer coins it still has a value since it's made out of gold. Maybe we can widen the exchange office's scope to become an allround assay office? Whose primary point would be to convert Dunmer gold to game gold, but would also accept gold nuggets and similar and buy those specific items at full price. The latter system would probably need to coded for each case, like the way you can turn in black bows in the main game. Although I guess it would be easier if the assayer just asked "Do you want to turn in your gems, coins and precious metals for Imperial currency?" and then his script did the conversion in one go than using dialogue like the black bow system.
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