Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Nord Combat Pack
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Here is IG's Nord work on the Combat tab of StGeneric dialogue. Since this is now the official ST Nord voice, this 7Z dumps the files directly under Silgrad_Tower.esm\Nord\M. Testing some of these is much more difficult than the persuasion lines. In fact some of the lines are intended for other races, but sound good enough that I feel we'll change some of those conditions. Smile One of the samples is not a current line, but a tag line from a popular UK cop show. I like it. Big Grin

Some samples too,
Sorry, SACarrow,

I felt the need to attach some more files that I felt were more representative here. It seems that the above files are very non-gruff samples and, as such, don't really reflect the whole batch.
I listened to the whole batch.
Very nice work. Smile