Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: New 3D Artist (Kwama Forager)
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Hey guys.

I'm a 3D artist/ Motion graphic artist. I've been working for a few years in this and would like to have some fun. I love Morrowind, and oblivion, and would love to have MW in OB level graphics.

So.... to begin,.... I'd just like to have a general idea of about TES4V

Here are links to my work


3D Models
WOh! That is some nice stuff! Welcome to the wonderful forums here. I am not sure why no team members have posted but I am sure they will soon. I look forward to some of your work btw.
Great work!

I should add that I am not a member of the VV team, but just a very interested onlooker. Having said that, it appears that you have mad organic modelling skillz and that could be very useful for some Morrowind creatures that I don't think exist yet in OB. The various varieties of kwama come to mind, but there may be others. A team member will probably wander by soon to welcome you and correct me, but in the meantime,

¡Bienvenido a Beyond Cyrodiil!
some brilliant concepts there - welcome to Beyond Cyrodiil
Thanks guys. Well, I really am not a "modder". I dont know how to use the CS. I just want to make Digital Content, as best I can.

I just make things.

I only request instructions as to what is required.
Awesome work man! I'm not a member of the Vvardenfell team either - I'm with the other Morrowind team here, Silgrad Tower - but I hope they won't mind if I pitch an open modelling job we could both use. (Also, since Silgrad Tower and Vvardenfell share the Visual Dev board I went ahead and moved your thread there.)

The job I'd like to pitch is Common Imperial Architecture, which is just a technical name I use for the medieval architecture used in Morrowind's Imperial settlements, like Caldera and Pelagiad. On the off chance you don't remember it or is unsure I made a youtube video some months back (to go with a claims description I wrote):


More info can be found -here-.

The classic-medieval homes from Morrowind is easily the most complex modelling claim we have because Oblivion set the bar at very high facecount-wise when it comes to houses, and it could easily look bad if these houses didn't have a similar facecount. It's also been two years since Oblivion came out and the average computer today is better than it was then so I think it could be a good idea to even set the aimed facecount a bit higher than Oblivion's. But your media makes it obvious to me that you're up for such a challenge, should you want it. I have no problem admitting you're far more capable than me Big Grin Having said that I might know some stuff specifically regarding modelling for Oblivion that you might not, so if you have any questions fire away.

It's hard to say anything in general about Oblivion's facecount levels when it comes to houses. It varies from set to set, as does the volume definitions of small/medium/large houses. But I think one wouldn't be far off if one assumed the following facecount levels:

8500 - small house
10500 - medium house
22000 - large house

Given the years since release maybe it would be a good idea to multiply the numbers by 1.5 to get a good facecount level for today's computers? Just a thought.

If you'd rather work on something else then we have other open jobs in -this thread-.

Looking forward to following your work!
Ah ok. I'll post here.

I've been offered to do Kwama creature types, so I'll see about doing that. It seems fun.

As for the houses, I would actually like to try it out. I would be very much interested in practicing Structure modeling, and would like to add some such assets to my portfolio.

As soon as I finish the Kwama, I'll get on that.

Also, any oblivion specific modeling issues I'd love to know.
One Oblivion-specific modelling issue I could mention is that creating animated creatures is problematic. I haven't tried myself but as far as I know it's only possible to use creature animation from Oblivion files, i.e. removing their visible model and placing your own in its stead and in that way reuse their animation. Even if the creature is set up perfect in the modelling problem the animation just can't be exported. It's possible my information is outdated though. I know it's possible to export standard animation, like a door that swings open, although it still requires a bit of afterwork in Nifskope to get it to work. Having said all that I think it would be amazingly cool to see the kwama again! I just wanted to mention the problems I've heard about since to the best of my knowledge it isn't possible to create new creature animations.
I know Saiden[Storm] has had custom skeleton success. Of course saying "Saiden could animate that" bears a strong resemblance to "Tiger Woods could make that shot." Big Grin

Also, I was the one who pitched the kwama deal off-line. Not trying to be secretive, but it makes it easier to drop if the "offeree" isn't interested. :yes:

I remember that, the nif engine is horrible with animations. Moreover, Oblivion uses a complex real time motion system, not really apt to modding around with it. I guess its not to bad of a problem given as oblivion has a robust animation data base.

I guess creature modeling wise, how do you set the geometry up so it can be skinned with OB skeletons correctly? How does the skinning process work?

In conclusion, can someone send me as much reference as is possible for the Kwama creatures?
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