Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I opened the CS for the first time and was completely lost. I did not find the OB CS nearly as usedr friendly as I did the ES3 CS the first time i used that.

Maybe its just me

anyone feel the same way?

Yes, I felt the same with my first few tries. It actually feels very similar once you get used to its buttons and new features. I think the controls are the same though (for placing objects in the render window, anyway).

I used to think that the hierarchy for the objects in the TES4 CS was horrible compared to TES3's tab menus, but I prefer it now.

Are you moving to Oblivion modding or were you just trying the CS to see what it was like?
Well I feel better knowing I'm not the only one

No, not moving yet, just trying it out

i actually played oblivion first so when i got morrowind the CS was a bit uncomfortable for me. Now though its all cool. Wink
I was one of the people who found it amazing how different the TES4 CS was from the TES3 CS too. Now, I see that they are actually very, very similar. Big Grin

It mostly takes getting used to. After that, it gets a lot simpler.

Quote:Originally posted by chris 07
I actually played oblivion first so when I got Morrowind the CS was a bit uncomfortable for me. Now though its all cool. Wink
Morrowind was (and still is) a great game. :yes: It's nice to see that, after Oblivion was released, other people are still playing it for the first time and enjoying it. I still play it every now and then.
you bet! I loved morrowind, i just wish it had better graphics, since i was used to oblivion by then. Luckily alot of the things missing in oblivion got put in by modders. I still play morrowind, and mod it because its still that fun to play.
Have you heard of the Morrowind Graphics Extender? It's a program that extends Morrowind's graphic capabilities (with plenty of options too!):

[Image: th_post138694.jpg]

You can find it on a lot of Elder Scrolls mod sites (Planet ES link).

Some people really like it and play with it all the time. Others find the extended view distance makes Vvardenfell seem smaller than it really is. Already having explored probably around 95% of the entire island, I think that particular feature makes the game seem fresh again after already finishing it.
Yea the graphics extender is a great tool, I have seen it... but my PC can not handle it (sadness)

But hey I love it anyway

Diet Bob
thanks! much appriciated! Big Grin
Quote:Already having explored probably around 95% of the entire island, I think that particular feature makes the game seem fresh again after already finishing it.

Yeah, I agree with that. I tried it when the first version (with distant land only) was released and started a new game with it. It was fun seeing different bits of the island from far away and it made the locations and landscape slightly more interesting. My PC, sadly, runs pretty slow with the newer features so I only use the distant LOD land. I'm happy with that though. :yes:
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