Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Velothi Tile Set
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I tried to export Spankybus' tile set from the Max copy he sent to me before he left, but either the pieces doesn't fit on the power-of-2 point grid Oblivion uses or I did something wrong. I suspect it's the former, since the Max file he sent seemed to use American measurements rather than points.

I sent him an email, and I'm crossing my fingers he'll swing back here and export a working set of NIFs so we can use his tile set. Smile
I'll try to give some constructive critisism

I recommend making the overall color a bit more seypia, to give it more of a brownish look

The ceiling borders should be a little more round, and so can the pillars

overall, very, very good work, it was breathtaking when I first browsed this topic Big Grin
nerbod: The tile set Spankybus made is finished. Smile It's just a matter of adapting it to a power-of-2 point-based grid so it works with the snap-to-grid setting turned on in the CS. It doesn't snap to grid in the CS at the moment.
ok, thanks for making it clear Smile
one more question: will it still be edited afterwards?
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