Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Could use some ideas for Unique and Interesting Dialogues for the NPC's in Velothi Mountains Mod

I have allready begun adding dialogue and came up with a few ideas

As I have indicated in the past, I think every NPC should have some sort of unique dialogue, IE Background, Trade or Rumor

In the Case of the VM mod I have added to topic, "Town Gossip"
here we will find little tid bits of info about the towns people and their quirks

One NPC will tell you " Have you heard the Duchess has a lover, And He's an Orc ! Can you believe that !

Another will tell you " Did you know we have a new professor at the Karthor School, I was told his background has a bit of a dark side"

The professor of course will say " Yes, I have heard the rumors of my tainted past, but I assure you I only practice the accepted magics"


If you have any special lines you'd like to add please post them
I will fit them to a specific NPC or group

The mod does contain 2 new factions (none-joinable at this time)

The Maran Knights and the Farmers Union

I would like to have a Teachers Union as well, but thats still up in the thoughts

