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Check this: Pseudo Speed Tree for Morrowind

I was delighted by what I saw
Nice resourse to have

thanks for the info

I do not get it.
Is it the fact that the trees are animated?
There was a mod a long time back that did that too.
Speedtree is a system which has three characteristics:

1. Trees can be randomly generated according to some defined characteristics.
2. Foliage use billboards (flat sprites within the 3D object) to create the illusion of many, many leaves without straining the GPU.
3. The distant model for the tree is a single billboard.

The animation is just a bonus made possible by point 2.

Now, pseudo speedtree in Morrowind means that you have 2. Morrowind doesn't have distant models so you don't get 3. It's not real speedtree so you don't get 1.