Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: I have some questions about PC Oblivion
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My birthday is this Thursday, and I'm getting a laptop. I was planning on getting Oblvion for the PC, for like mods and videos (I already play it for fun on the PS3). Thus, I had some questions about it.

1. I saw in a video, that someone made an NPC copy of their character. How do I do that?

2. How do I hack into an NPC, to make him fight another one?

3. I heard about a mod that let the player use two weapons. Where do I find it?

4. How do I hack into NPCs, to give them new equipment?

5. How do I go to the debug room?

6. Is there a mod that will allow me to go to Morrowind?

7. Is the ES Contruction thing hard to use?

Thanks in advance.
1) a program (called wryebash i think, but not sure)
2) open CS, edit said NPC's AI setting
3) search on TESnexus or PES
4) open CS, find NPC, find equipment, put equipment in NPC's inventory.
5) not sure what you mean. if you know its ID, try opening the console (~) and typing, without quotes, "coc CellIDHere" and pressing enter. that should teleport you to the cell.
6) silgrad tower (whose forum you are currently browsing) lets you visit part of mainland morrowind. i don't believe any of the vvardenfell mods have been released yet.
7) no, not really. it takes a little getting used to of course, but i think its very intuitive.

hope that helped Smile
Quote:Originally posted by Lady Nerevar
1) a program (called wryebash I think, but not sure)
2) open CS, edit said NPC's AI setting
3) search on TESnexus or PES
4) open CS, find NPC, find equipment, put equipment in NPC's inventory.
5) not sure what you mean. if you know its ID, try opening the console (~) and typing, without quotes, "coc CellIDHere" and pressing enter. that should teleport you to the cell.
6) silgrad tower (whose forum you are currently browsing) lets you visit part of mainland Morrowind. I don't believe any of the vvardenfell mods have been released yet.
7) no, not really. it takes a little getting used to of course, but I think its very intuitive.

hope that helped Smile

So, basically, all hacking is done with the CS? Thanks!
thats why we call it "modding" not "hacking" Tongue
That's what I meant, sorry. Thanks again.
well, there's the CS for big mods, that you can just load up and they're always there.

For some of the stuff you wanted to do, there's the ingame console, used by pressing the ~ key. As Lady N said, you can do things like edit AI settings, make yourself invincible, toggle collision, screw around with a couple different stats for the NPCs and yourself. (try setting someone's fatigue to 0 or a negative number, they collapse. It's hilarious).

For a list of console functions, see here ... don't ask what half of them do. the fun ones are TCL (collision) and TGM (godmode) the "SexChange" function could also be fun for hours.

there are also console commands, documented . The good ones are "Kill" and Setactorvalue
Killall is even better than kill. It does exactly what it says on the tin - every NPC in the current cell drops dead. It doesn't seem to be listed on the cs wiki though... what a glaring omission.
and if you want to model and make texture's you'll need other programs other than the CS because you cant make them there, then you'll have to put it in the CS so you can put them ingame.
Thanks everyone! That really helps.