Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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A shopping Mall where all your needs are catered for. Stable, mages supplies, general, furnishings, cloths, spells, armour, weapons etc. even a food court with Argonian food, Imperial Food, etc which are essentially all the same things with different, and appropriate titles and different characters or the applicable race to be met in each.

Not cheesy, still in keeping with TES but fills some space and time for players and could give rise to many different side quests of many different types.
Maybe the region needs a fast food chain.

AFC Argonian Fried
KFD Khajiit Fried Donoughts
W Wee-boonalds (Obviously a big yellow W being the logo! Uniforms are worn and the workers are either really really giddy and friendly or miserable in their job.
I like this idea. Smile

The shopping area should be walled in to make it a separate district (in the central part of the city). In the shopping district you'll find a square which could be used as a market and the shops (separate buildings) are placed around the square.

The main problem with good ideas is the implementation.
Meaning who's going to mod it?

IMO it's a large project which would need at least one dedicated modder.

If someone is interested post in this thread or send a PM.
Yea, maybe if i do a basic concept interior and exterior and then modders know what they are in for!
Large circular, open topped and possible a recycled arena (or amphitheatre) from days gone by!

Not as many shops on each floor as this concept, but scale wise i think it would be good. A great tree in the centre (not in drawing), possibly towering out from the middle in a similar fashion to the white gold tower in terms of size. Im sure we can think of some reason or some god who would have chosen to plant a huge tree in the centre of an Ayleid (or whomever) arena (or amphitheatre)?

Also an area of no shops would fill about 1/3rd of the circle on both floors where the main doors are, downstairs this could be empty, upstairs the food court type area with race specific bars and eateries.

Another option would be to incorporate a resin/bone domed roof to prevent sneeky glitch-seekers jumping out and it would look good, but this would prevent the great tree idea.

I also thought, no shops on the bottom floor but a 'proper' marker instead, barrows, stalls, cobbled floor etc. A sewer can be used too which would be riddled with huge roots from the great tree for a bit of variety from usual sewers. And maybe round piped sewers rather than the square-room imperial type.

[Image: a230ef44.jpg]


check out >>this<< great idea (on mine and only in my opinion Big Grin) for an entertainer/busker at the mall!
lol a shopping mall, lets not go nuts Wink
I think creating a whole seperate building for this would be unnecessary, but creating a shopping mall/district is easily done. Most large cities in Vvardenfel had some sort of shopping district. Vivec obviously, Balmora had one towards the North West of the city, and the giant shell thing in Ald'ruhn (forgot what it was called).

First thing we need to know is what city will it be in?
You shoud think about the condition of those poor lil' shop tenants, how will they survive if every aventurer goes to the shopping mall to buy his equipement?
Quote:Originally posted by RideWithTheWind
You shoud think about the condition of those poor lil' shop tenants, how will they survive if every aventurer goes to the shopping mall to buy his equipement?

And with that I believe a run down shopping district that also makes alot of money because of the attention it attracts would be interesting, which could do 1 of 2 things. The district could either be in a major city where it would obviously attract alot of attention, or be placed an a poor looking city that is located somewhere near a major roadway, such as Pelagiad is on the road connecting Balmora and Vivec.
Hey i just have the sparks and do the drawings. I will give as much opinion as poss and do as many drawings as needed. If its decided to be a good idea and we can decide what style it will be in etc i can alter it in any way shape or form!


I think we have always needed a busy area, the imperial city, you may see 6 characters at a time in that vast 'capital'. I know frame rates etc come into play but i wanna see a hustling market with loads of lil stalls. Respawning peasants and nameless villagers just called 'peasant' or 'villager' so long as there is a few inside all the time and a few outside all the time. Need a crafty way of these going home at night? Maybe the poor districs, just a load of lil bedrolls and they go back there instead of leaving, they could be the ones running the poor, busy market type part?
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