Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Imperial Desert Legion Helm upgrade needed
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Was creating some Imperial Legion NPCs and i thought, 'not all Legion Soldiers were Imperials in Morrowind, why can't that be the case here?' Well one reason really, the Desert Legion Helm does not fit. Observe:

the back of the head shows through:

and his muzzle pokes through the cloth:

I have not tested the goggle version yet, but will do so soon. I expect we will encounter some issues there too.

So please, can i ask a modeller to make a version for Khajiiti soldiers, it would be very much appreciated.
This model needs some tender loving care from the Conformulator.
Wow, that looks good. :goodjob:

Though a trip to the conformulator would probably be good.
Could we get just the wrap, in a hood for Black Marsh?
This issue still has not been fixed.