Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Food of Akavir
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Hey, those look great! =)
They would be perfect for the Tang Mo.
Nice Meshes :goodjob:
Fish,whale meat,oysters,octopus meat,noodles,coconuts,goblin meat.
Squid, don't forget squid. Ah, roasted cuttlefish on a stick.
Bamboo sticks and banana juice for Tang Mo.Ka Po' Tun meat forTsaesci :elk:
Lol whats with the Elk?
But how about some sweets and jellies for the Ka-Po, kind of like the Khajit. By the way has anyone played the Elsweyr the Deserts of Anequina mod? Dune has some good Mogul/Indian buildings could be a good example/resource for the Semi-Indian Ka Po.
I agree with ciao. If you can avoid making your own meshes, things would go along much speedier.
The speed of making meshes is not a problem I can make anything we need. Plus static meshes are super simple.
Super simple? :eek:

Speak for yourself! I find modeling incomprehensible! Keep it up, your skills are truly impressive.
Static meshes aren't a problem use you get used to it. But things like making armor and animated stuff... wait... that's not too hard either. I'm not sure what to say. Well, anyway don't worry.
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