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Epic Fail of the Bosmer at God-Mantling

A Bosmer leapt from the grove of Mundus, to fall upon the princedom of decay and deception, walking as he did on quest to find power, with axe in hand, with lust in heart.

"Take it upon yourself mortal, to not walk my path any further, it would be a kind gesture to creation to not die this day, nor in this fashion. Why is it that you temp fate so? Turn back now, while you still have your wit, for fear what you may become, so you might not fear what becomes of you." A voice from the cold palace issued forth with words of warning.

"The winds blow through new weather, and so thrones must be mantled with new blood, be it for any cause, good or bad. The trees speak in my ears, and they tell me of things long past, that you daemon once stole from Lyg and usurped his princedom by might of will, and trickey thinking. Don't tempt me otherwise Daemon, for I will strike you down where you stand." The defiant Bosmer said in punk-tones.

The Bosmer did lift his mighty axe, and raised it to the eyes of Bal, with blade sharpened by the claws of monsters back in the great woods of home, lust glowing red in his eyes, alluminating a palace of decay.

"Foolish Boiche of water flow that comes from posioned source. You have been decieved, for no throne may be stolen, or fought for, only given in dire need. You thought wrong of this event that happened ages ago, think again and chose a differnt path. Or die if you feel so inclined to swing axe upon my skull."

And so, Bosmer swung mighty axe upon the skull of Daemon Bal, to find that it did not even piece skin, least crack bone. Daemon Bal, given the rights of returning blow, then did sqaush every bone of Bosmer's body, so that blood filled his chamber, painting it wholey red. What remained of Bosmer's body was given to his legions of things perverted and dark, to be used until his throne passed down to another.

Never go willingly upon the beast.