Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Guards ID problem - conflicts with other guards
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Silgrad Tower is messing up Emma's/Grumpy's Beryl and Hurd companions and possibly other characters that are set as guards. When I talk to them for the very first time, they tell me I need to serve time in jail. All I get is an option for "goodbye" with dialog that says "Then you must serve a sentence of hard labor. Serve your time and pay your debt to society."

Here is a thread I started on the official forums. Someone suggested that this is caused by Silgrad Tower's first quest. A guard is set to ForceGreet character in Gnaar Mok cell. But it looks like this is affecting other characters too, set as guards. Any way to fix this problem?
I think I fixed it! In the Gnaar Mok cell, there is an NPC whose ID is (hlaalu guard_outside). The dialogue for this NPC had the problem. In "Greeting 0", there was the line "Then you must serve a sentence of hard labor...." I changed the "Speaker Condition" for the cell to Gnaar Mok. Then saved the .esp again.

There were also other dialogue lines for this guard, and none were set to "Gnaar Mok" for the cell. Should all be set to this cell?
I had the same problem, but only if I attacked the guards in Gnaar Mok. I had noticed that if the guards in Gnaar Mok are attacked the pc crime level it is not set to 0 after arriving to the Latrys island. There for, every guards I had talk attacked me.