Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Speed Tree Trouble, Bark Textures Don't Show in CS
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I've been working with some custom speedtrees, and I found some textures from a morrowind texture replacer that I thought would work great as tree bark. So I converted it to a tga in gimp, then I set up all the directories properly (tga and dds in the same folder). The texture shows up fine in speedtree, but doesn't show up when I bring the tree into the CS. If I use default textures from Oblivion, they show on the tree in the CS, its just that this one particular texture will not show up. Does anyone know what might cause this? I assume it has something to do with the texture being for morrowind, but I don't know enough about how the game handles textures to be able to pinpoint the problem. I attached the file in question below.

Texture name cannot contain underscores, I think it has something to do with the fact that the unterscore is used for normal (_n) maps. Just remove them and all should work properly!
Part of the strange thing is that I've tried putting the textures on statics and they show up in the CS even with the underscores in the name. I removed them though, and the texture still doesn't want to show up. Could the problem be related to the lack of a normal map (I haven't generated on yet)?
Even without normal map the texture should display in game so I don't know what could be wrong. I have no way to open dds files right now so I cannot have a look at it. Be sure that the size is a power of two, like 256 or 512 (which should be the case since the texture was created for morrowind).

You could also try the archive invalidation tool in oblivion mod manager (I don't understand why but I had the same problem as you once and that fixed it).

Otherwise I never worked with speed trees so there may be specific things to consider while texturing them. I cannot help for that part Confusedhrug:
Four quick tips from me, two of which were already mentioned;
1) don't use underscores in filenames
2) create a normal map
3) ensure that the .tga and .dds have the same exact filename and that the dds is located in the Data\textures\trees\branches folder
4) make sure the texture has mip-maps.

Re: number one, it's a good rule of thumb never to use underscores in filenames. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't, and by not using them altogether you take a potential problem out of the equation.

Re: number three, the dds really has to be in the Data\textures\trees\branches folder to work, no other folder will. Not sure where you placed your bark texture but I thought I'd mention it just in case.

Re: number four, a lot of Morrowind textures, like the one you used, don't have mip-maps. I think that works fine in Morrowind mods but in Oblivion it causes severe display problems.
Alright, thanks for the tips Razorwing, I'll see if that fixes it, if not I think I'll be OK, I did a recolor of the oak wood, and I think it looks quite nice.

Another quick question: I generated normals for some of the MW textures, but didn't give them mipmaps, will that cause the normals to light up unnaturally bright when the player gets near them?
Awesome tree man :eek: What Mod is that and is it SpeedTree? Sorry for the off topic but it looks great Big Grin
Indeed, it's gorgeous!

High reflective shiny texture comes from the fact that you probably saved the normal map as a DXT3 or DXT5 dds. If you want to play with the reflectivity (for instance if you want a wet wood effect) you need to alter the alpha channel of the normal map, because full white alpha channel means full bright reflection.

If you want just a regular tree bark texture then save as DXT1, alpha channel will be ignored.
I'll have to look at the format I've been saving them in, I've been using crazybump, and it's never asked me about what format to save in by default, so I'll have to check out the settings in there some more.

Quote:Originally posted by FLESH
Awesome tree man :eek: What Mod is that and is it SpeedTree? Sorry for the off topic but it looks great Big Grin
It's a heavily modified and enlarged redwood. After I did that I took JonSatriani's Telvanni pod houses, retextured them to match the wood of the tree, and then just slapped them into the side. The same goes for the roots, they're just retextures of the mania roots in SI.
I also use crazybump a lot, great tool. Thing is: it saves all maps separately, color/normal/specular/displacement map.

So if you really need reflectivity (specular map), you need to copy and paste the specular map in the alpha channel of the normal map, then save as dxt5. If you don't, just resave as dxt1.

Displacement map goes to the alpha channel of the color map if you need parallax effect (that suppose that you activate parallax setting of the mesh itself in nifskope).

But I don't understand, as far as I can remember crazybump do not export dds, so you must have used a dds script somewhere in photoshop or the gimp. So you should have been asked what format (dxt1/3/5) you wanted?
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