Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Loading screen for Silgrad, Need your Screenshots
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Hi ya all. The title of the Thread pretty much explains all but for those who are still a bit off, With authorization from Razorwing i have started making loading screens for Silgrad Tower. For this i need screenshots, this is where you come in. Razorwing suggested i would create this thread to ask your help as i currently cannot enter or use Silgrad Tower.

So i have this request to you peapole, to start snapping some screenshots of your visit to Silgrad Tower. post as many as you want to this topic and as creative as you can. Post about: Cities, inside and outside, wildlife, armors, statues and whatever else you can think of we can take as many as we can get.

take screenshots at 1024x768 or higher
use console command TM to toggle Menus off before taking a Screenshot(note: with TM all menus and text will be disabled until TM is typed again)
Set your video detail as high as you can.

Thank you all for your help with this.
Here are some "golden rules" that you people can use to get a good looking picture, stuff like the rule of thirds.
Photography Composition