Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Lost Spires VA work finally complete!!!
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Grand Announcement

Yesterday I watched a pig fly out of the hills, down into the valley, swoop right over my house and then power off away into the sea.

And I didn't bat an eyelid!

Today was much more incredible...the female voice acting for 'Lost Spires' is finally complete, making the final release imminent!!!!

At the time of writing, I have just emailed Liquidgraph with the very last of the voice acting files. The voice acting for Norlene is finally complete which means that the work that myself, TheShadow and the ladies completed six months ago (for me, at least) can finally appear in the final version of 'Lost Spires'.

A special thank you to the ladies I have worked with and who came through for me is in order: Liz 'Lizanneh' Muirhead (as Sova), Kelly Patricia Jones and Moghedian (as the Assistants) and LadyDeadlock (as Norlene). My heartfelt apologies to Kelly, who did such a good job with Norlene originally (and worked like a real trooper!) but struggled with some extremely frustrating technical issues. To all fans and onlookers, please take a look! I hope it's worth another play-through in order to experience this mod as it should have been.

Now it's over to liquidgraph who will process the files, add any other tweaks and then release the final version! At long last!
Liquidgraph probably already has a setup for this, but if there is a need for LIP file generation, I can take he plugin and "boil it down" into a CS 1.0-friendly form using my WiP version of TES4Gecko. The advantage is that the LIP files don't have to be constructed one-by-one, but the whole batch can be loaded into the CS and done in one session.

It looks like a kool mod. The voices must be pretty good to Smile.
Thanks for the offer, SACarrow and the compliment, Zurke,

I spoke to liquidgraph recently and he's okay for lip-synching. Thankfully, he's already released v.13 which takes care of a lot of the other issues that were building up so he doesn't have to worry about these now. However, implementing all of the lines does mean that he has to go through all of the error-checking again and that means playing through the mod completely, besides various other checks. This means that he's not in a position to give us a release date but, personally, I don't think we'll be waiting too long.
I am almost finished playing the storyline and I must say it's a very nice mod! Smile
Quote:Originally posted by sandor
it's a very nice mod! Smile

Agreed :yes:
Good news, folks!

Leo Gura (aka LiquidGraphics) has finally finished twiddling with the extras and updates so that now, at long last, Lost Spires version 14 is released in all its glory!!!! :bananarock: :bananarock: :bananarock:

Bananarock almighty! I'm pleased to announce that I play all of the living NPCs (that excludes the character of Solan, by the way). That makes 16 out of the 17 male characters in total. It was originally my intention to announce my presence in the Oblivion community with this work but it took no less than 6 months to get some pesky recruits to do work that would normally take me two or three evenings at most.

Irritating....but I'm very pleased with what my decent set of gals (who didn't mess me around and who actually came through for us) have done. See the link in my first post if you want to download the new version. I'm just about to give it a whirl for myself. Enjoy, folks!