Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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By Anonymous

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Don't you think someone will notice?" Grunted a burly troll of a man, standing over the scene with a large jar of something under his arm, and what seemed to be mud on his hands, a shovel by his boots, and a large hole beside him.

"-no, not after it's in the ground, now put some more of those maggots in there; Boss said to give him the worst of it." What seemed to be the ringleader answered in a hastened tone, his golden skin a dull grey in the night.

The trollish Nord clumbered over to the crate, and stuffed a few of the wriggling things through a hole in the top of it, only about an inch-or-so wide -much to his delight, chuckling as each fell through.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

A Khajiit keeping watch just off to the side looked over to the other two, and spoke up, "Boss said this, Boss said that -this one don't care what Boss said! It ain't right what's going on -this one thinks we should just bury it, does it really matter what else goes on? Boss won't know."

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Shut up Jo'Khax, no one cares what you think! Remember what the boss did to the last Cat to cross him? He's got a nice rug in his office now." The ringleader barked back at the small Khajiit.

The Khajiit snarled, then spat on the ground, turned and went back to his watch.

"We're getting good money for this job, we don't have any reason to cut corners." The ringleader said to the back of the Khajiit, who spat again on the ground.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Bah! Stupid cat, I've got half a mind to sell you into slavery, take the bounty on your head, aswell as your share from this job."

Jo'Khax turned and tackled the Altmer to the ground, scratching him across the cheek in the process. "Shut the hell up n'wah, this one is the only person on your crew who can navigate on that wreck you call a ship."
Jo'Khax then spat on the face of the ringleader.

Bang. Creak. Thud.

The Altmer gripped Jo'Khax by the throat, driving him into the ground.
"I can get another, you little f**ker. I could kill you right now-" The Altmer trailed off, and looked over to the crate, which had a rather large hole in it, with a bloodied dead Nord laying over it.


The Altmer then looked back to the Khajiit under him, and with all the rage within him, took out his dagger and brought it straight up through his jaw, into his skull.
Jo'Khax was dead.

Serheni got up, chuckling to himself. Two of his men were dead, and the prisoner had run away.
He sighed, and got out his skinning knife.

"Atleast the Boss will have a matching doormat now."


First Draft