Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [BETA] The Alchemist's Tome (Testers needed!)
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This has been a little project of mine for the past few days and it (sort of) works now, so I figured I should release a beta to get some feedback and to see if it even works on computers other than mine...

What it is, is a book of Alchemical ingredients. However rather than simply being a static list of ingredients and their effects, it's automatically generated based on what mods you have in your load order. So if you have OOO, you will get all the ingredients from OOO in the alchemy book. Rather than containing a single .esp file it has a 'base' file which is essentially the mod minus all the alchemical ingredient details. A generator program takes the base esp and produces a new esp with all the ingredient details spliced in. Every time you add or remove a mod you just re-run the generator program and it will update the playable esp to reflect your current game. Currently all the mod contains is the alchemy book itself and a hierarchical menu system for choosing Alchemical effects.

Anyway, if you've read all that here's how you use it:
- Download it (see below), and extract the contents to your data folder. You can leave the folder with the source code in the archive if you don't want to clutter up your install.

- Then you simply double click on "Alchemy Tome Generator.exe" and it should create your shiny new plugin. (or not - that's why your testing it =)).

- Activate the mod "Alchemist's Tome.esp", and head to the arcane university. The book is currently sitting on the bridge just to the left of the door.

Some screenshots.

Some modded ingredients

Browsing through restoration effects.

Sweet, I'll have to check this out. No matter what class I play, I almost always use alchmey.