Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Reich Parkeep: can I free the Argonians?
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I'm in Reich Parkeep. In the manor where Lord V... (sorry, I can't remember his name) lives and I've got a few questions:

Is there a way I can FREE the three Argonians who are kept in the Combat room? I killed the two guards and took a key off one of them, then later on I also killed the Lord, his daughter and a number of his guards (basically, the only people left alive in there are those who didn't say nasty things about Argonians and generally promote their killing: fair enough!). I got three keys off the Lord's corpse. Yet none of those is letting me free the slaves, dammit!

And also, what's with that room downstairs from the dining room, with that 'monk' guy who reports and attacks you as soon as you walk in? I've got the key for his room (called 'key to youir room') but still I get reported if I get close to him.

Nope. Chalk those things up to part stupidity, part fascination over c00l scripts on behalf of the modder.