Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I have sent in a request to Razorwing to add a folder titled Island Mod for this first release.

I see no reason why we cannot go ahead and start pulling together what we have and getting it for release.

Does anyone want to tackle the job of project director for this first release?


We will need a readme document that contains everything the player needs to know to play the mod.

We need to keep track of contributors in order to give proper credit in the readme doc.

We need a quest of some kind.

Decide a on a name for the island and what size it it.

Which race(s) are living there when the player arrives.

Organization in order to get this ready and then released.
Eh, i think we need a heightmap design first. Can't say what should be done unless we see how it fits in. Or is this a demo mod of sorts just to showcase the Akavir spirit?
Perhaps other Silgrad members could help?
You will need the graphic design/concept art of the island. How large it should be? I think the smaller, the more chances you have got to release it. Maybe as large as a smallest town in oblivion (which one is that?).
@ mirrored: do you mean city or settlement?
city: probably bruma or anvil
settlement: Harm's folly (i think)

maybe something the size of the imperial isle?
and u need a portal/ship to get there?
races: Tang Mo, Ka Po, human (and Tsaesci?)
I think Anvil-like open area would be cool and just right in means of largeness.
IMHO you should not try too much, something like Imperial Isle - too big. Smile
Okay, i'll upload a map and some quest ideas tomorrow.
That sounds great Shiver. Put it in the Island Mod folder please.

I still haven't heard anything from Kodama. I hope everything is ok with him.
I'm sorry to take up space, but I just wanted to say it's really nice to see not only activity, but organization around here! I've been wanting to see something come of this mod for a long time, and now, finally, it seems like it's finally a possibility!

I'll throw ideas in where I can, names, places, quests, but I'm not much good beyond that.
Thank you Jexsam.
Awesome a release :goodjob:

If you tell me what to put in it i can draft up a readme Smile