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Navy? We don't need no stinking navy!

You ever seen a snake cross the water? They swim very well. Big Grin
He has a point there.

Plus, the Tsaesci are magical. Even if for some reason they didn't want to get their clean clothes wet, they could just cast water walking on their whole army and simply stroll over!
Hmmm,i like the waterwalking idea, it has something special, watching an army walk from one island to the other!
Imagine those legionnaires lauching with the Tsaesci because they don't have a navy, and then a scout reports he saw something "unbelievable".
The legionnaires climb on a hill and see a big army walking on the sea, strolling towards them...
We should definitely do that if its possible...

Perhaps after the player defeats the first wave, everyone's feeling relieved because no boats have landed to bring reinforcements, so they think it's all over... until they see them, as you say, strolling across the waves...
I have a sudden urge to be the battle choreographer Smile I've had all sorts of ideas for mods that add more customized boss battles, new arena matches and such but i never get around to it.
As Deeza says, indeed, a literal wave of tsaesci warriors is something to fear. I also had the idea of making the general or commander of the tsaesci invasion have magic effects from Midas' Spells of Aurum.
Quote:Originally posted by exilehunter
I also had the idea of making the general or commander of the tsaesci invasion have magic effects from Midas' Spells of Aurum.

That would be awesome. You should contact him at once and ask for permission to use it.
I think it should be a large army ( 100? that's large for oblivion, nothig compared to the last level in Crysis, but still) with a weakness to some klind of spell (then it's not to hard Wink )
I think eXile should be the choreographer, and i'll help too, i like designing battle scenarios Big Grin
The Tsaesci definetly need a "Vanguard" a large line in front of the army, with their best soldiers with spears and large, broad shields and some psecial elite armor wich the player can't wear (yet) because he's no Tsaesci.
Another question: can we make custom anims? for instance a Tsaesci kicks the player on the ground and the grabs him at his head and sucks the blood out of it ( drained health and fatigue)
I think that 100 is too large for Oblivion, at least if they appear all at the same time. That would drop the FPS to an unplayably slow level. It would be fine as long as the player doesn't have to encounter all of them at once.

Also: an idea I had was that apparently, when the Tsaesci invaded Tamriel they brought dragons with them, presumably as support troops. Having to fight a dragon, perhaps?
again, maybe they ride dragons?
dragons not like huge flying beasts, but more like small ostrich sized mounts. and that the tamriellians(???) call them dragons in their books to scare people. Or they snakes call it "Dragon cavalry" and no one ever survived to tell how they looked and they think they're dragons? Or the survivors are poisoned by their foul breath and hallucinate ( like hist, or like "Scarecrow" from batman begins)
If that doesn't work: a huge chained, huliking, mutated dragon with no wings ( the Tsaesci cut them off so they don't fly away) something like the "colossus" Leonidas has to battle in 300
i'll upload a concept =) later
100 is definitely too much all at once. Even the final battle in Oblivion only had waves of 5-10. Dragons ridden on by enemies only make things more complicated. Not only do they not fit in well with what ever amount of lore we're using but npc on mounts cant attack hence they'll just end up clogging the performance. Note- From memory, the tsaesci tried to eat 'dragons'.
As for those custom anims Shiver-tail, they are not possible simply because there is nothing to combine one npc's animation directly to the current state of another npc. If you've used pose mods, you'll get a sense of what i mean. Though you're idea of having a central beast in the army is intriguing, i suppose it will act a bit like Mehrunes dagon. Perhaps it should be a dragon eating beast (fits in better with lore)?

Anyway, hopefully i can find time to have some choreography practice. I've been planning a quest mod: Gilgamesh, where the final battle is orchestrated by scripts. Then again, it'll be miracle if i ever get that much time...
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