Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Akavir Census
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I think this forum needs some lines drawn in to get things moving alot smoother. So I took the initiative to start a census.

If you wish to participate in the Akavir Project and/or the "Trailer" Island mod, please post the following information. Avoid unnecessary posting if possible to keep things clean and simple.
If you wish to change details, make a new post of your details containing [Added Skills] and/or [Removed Skills] with 'UPDATED' on top. Avoid editing old posts.

2.Skills (ie- concept artist, texturer, modder, landscaper, modeller, resource finder, etc.)
3.Activity/Contact (how often you appear on the forums. If you wish, you may post emails or your own website. Makes it easier to find you should you disappear.)


Members: 8

-Major Skills-
General Modders: exilehunter, Shank, Senten
Concept Artists: Shiver-Tail, Willward, Ciao Gamer, Amlosted
Modellers: Shank, exilehunter
Texture Artist: Senten, Shank, Ciao Gamer
Landscape/Tree Designers: Willward, Senten
Scripters: exilehunter, Ciao Gamer

-Specialized Skills-
Animations: Shank
Music Composer: Mirrored
Project Overseer: Ysne

Don't worry if you feel misplaced in a category. This only provides a rough outline of what skills are in shortage and where project speed may increase and decrease. ie- A shortage of scripters may mean Quest Scripts will take a lot longer to accomplish than it is for a city to be made.
1.William Ward
2.Landscaper,Concept artist,resource finder
3.willward101190[a] and i check here most days
1. exilehunter
2. General Modder, Scripter, Modeller (Wings3D)
3. Check here most days, PM'able through tesnexus and Oblivion's Realestate Forums.
1. Name: Shiver-Tail
2. skills: concept artist, resource finder and general ideas and concepts
3. activity: i check here most days too and i'm contactable at
1. Ysne
2. back up mod leader- forum cheerleader-jack of all trades
3. pm me here
name: Shank

skills: Weapons Textures, some modding, a little modeling, a little animation.

activity: I check the forum whenever I can get access to the Internet. Just pm me here and ill read it when ever I get on the net.

Skills:Speedtree modelling,Cs mod,Texturing.

Activity:Almost every day.
Ciao Gamer

Skills: Creativity, writing, limited modding skills (resource finder, texturing and learning scripting) and general computer skills

I am usually here but i can have a bad memory so if im absent email me at:
Name: Mirrored

Skills: Music composition, some minor skills with custom sfx design.

Activity: Almost everyday on forums.

Contact: PM,,, Skype: mirrorsith.
name: Amlosted

skills: Lore, Concept artist

Activity: Almost every day.
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