Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: By the Nine Divine I'm going to get Skyrim in an hour!!!
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I'm so sorry if this is the wrong place to put this thread but I searched the main page and I didn't really find anywhere else. Australia messed up the release date and I'm going to get it in an hour! :balloon: . <3 I've waited 5 years......
I got Skyrim!!!!!

But after I got outside my xbox crashed :evil:
Welcome to Silgrad Tower! Big Grin


It's being released at midnight tonight in North America (at least at some stores). I can't wait. Big Grin
Mine says, "shipping soon" on Amazon. They originally estimated that I'd get my copy between November 17th and the 22nd, but maybe I'll get mine a bit early Big Grin.

It may still take a bit of time to get here, though. The mail usually travels an unusual route:

Pennsylvania->Kentucky->northern Illinois->St. Louis, Mo. -> Fairfield, Illinois

At least, that's how my packages from Amazon usually arrive Tongue. All of our mail has to go to St. Louis before coming here, even it's mailed from a town only 10 miles away Tongue.
My Amazon pre-order estimates that I'll get mine on Saturday. Sad

Well, I can hope that I'll get lucky and get it tomorrow. Big Grin
Played mine for the first time at 5.00AM this morning, apsolutely amazing.
This game is abosolutely bloody wonderful.

It's like the first time you start playing video-games again.
AnImpatientFan,'index.php?page=Thread&postID=517#post517 Wrote:This game is abosolutely bloody wonderful.

It's like the first time you start playing video-games again.
I agree! Smile
Not got mine yet - only a few hours I hope! Smile
Mine still says, "shipping soon," but I think the reason they didn't ship it today was because of Veteran's Day. I'm guessing they'll ship it tomorrow, which means I'll probably receive it sometime on Wednesday or Thursday, if all goes well.

Good thing I bought some games on the Halloween Steam sale, or else I'd be bored out of my mind now Tongue. The games in the Overlord series are quite enjoyable and are helping me pass the time until my copy arrives Smile.
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