Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Uninstalling/Reinstalling
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I have been doing lots of experimenting. The end resullt it that my copy of Obliving is close to not playable anymore. I will be spending the rest of the day uninstalling it and then installing a clean copy into a new directory.

I am learning lots though by reading up on the different mods and problem solving those to my satisfaction. That will help when it comes time to test the island mod before releasing it.
I have a similar problem. Once I install one mod, it gets hard to stop... I expect I will have to do a clean reinstall soon also.
I got so frustrated, I ended up running a recovery on the darn computer and starting fresh.
I know the feeling. Mind you, I have Vista... X( How I got suckered into buying that electronic trash I'll never know...
If you are buying a new laptop, and it's not custom made, you do not get a choice, you get stuck with microschlock's Vista.
I actually have an Apple Macintosh. The only problem is, you still need Vista to run games like Oblivion, since the Mac game library is very limited...
I now have 2 portable hard drives with a copy of Oblivion on each. One will be vanilla for testing and stuff. The other is for playing and adding mods and figuring other stuff out. Hopefully that will keep my lap top running more smoothly so I do not have to run that recovery software twice a week.