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so yeah, i know they've been mentioned here and ther, but are we going to include the three vampire of bloodlines of morrowind, and have them as joinabe factions and whatnot so you can do quests for them,

have them maybe ready to take a side in the comign war, perhaps sending agents to various leaders, testing strength, creating and breaking allegiences, stuff like that would make great stealthy vampire quests and you get the persuasion in ther to if you want, so what of it Kukluza, are we going to see vampires return in full to Vvardenfell?
hell yeah!
they won't be reclusive little blood suckers... they'll be something to fear.... definitelty....
and of course they will be more active in response to the Vampire Hunters.... either they find a way to hide away forever or they must fight to survive.
The Berne will be sneaking into homes, killing people silently.... The Quarra will rush in with a small band of vampires and just slaughter townsfolk... the Aundae will be subtle... lure townsfolk out.... and then kill them...
As I have suggested skirmishes and raids to happen periodically in the game automatically (like betmer, ashlander, Nordic)... I guess Vampire raids will also occur... if you are a vampire of that clan, you should raid with them... if you are not, you should stop them AND kill some townsfolk... if you are a regular person, you should fight them if you can ....or run...

joining the Vampire Clans will be both fun but also disappointing.... you leave the old life forever, even if you appeal to Molag Bal, your infamy will have risen a lot...
...and I was thinking.... what if not only outlanders came to Vvardenfell... but western Vampire bloodlines too? as you can see, apparently, the three ancient Morrowind Vampire clans are all foreign.... Berne is imperial, Aundae is Altmer, Quarra is Nordic.... but the new foreign bloodlines and the established ones may have a bi of a scuffle....

but that's my ideas...
...and their what this thread is for!

so yeah, maybe not raid with them, or make the cure for vampirism in Vvardenfell remove all your crimes commited since becoming one, i don't know, maybe you'll get your infamy lowered as well, c'mon who can think of a better way! we need you! :yes:
I believe I asked this somewhere before...
How are Vvardefell vampires different from typical ''vampires'' of our time?
well... they need blood to heal... and for food....
but they can go long time without doing anything...
they don't seem to be quite undead as having a disease...
good and bad abotu it as you know...

apparently, the Vampire Clans of Vvardenfell were foreigners to begin with....

Quarra is Nordic, Aundae is Altmer, and Berne is Imperial....
so maybe long ago... the Nords invaded Morrowind... and along snuck in Vampires....
or a lost clan of Altmer fled from the warring Elven and Mannish tribes in High Rock and established a hold on Vvardenfell... but turned out they or one of them was a Vampire....
and then when the Imperials invaded Morrowind... Raxle Berne... an Imperial Assassin and agent... turned out to be a Vampire....?

who knows.... but maybe that's how they arrived?
This all sounds good to me. One of the most dissapointing things about Morrowind for me was the inferior vampires. It seemed like getting the disease was way more trouble than it was worth, considering all the draw backs and the few benefits. I think reconstructing the Vampire clans so they are more like factions that grant you better benefits and the ability to rise up in, maybe not to the very top, but fairly far, will easily make the addition of vampires well worth it.
no I think rising to the top should be an option...
of course once there... going back via a Daedric pact and cure is not desirable... cause by then you could very well be one of the more powerful beings on Vvardenfell...

of course a good Vampire Hunter should be able to take you out if you aren't careful... but once you are an Ancient... you are pretty powerful...
i agree with syko here, because like you siad, rise too high and you won't want the cure, although in oblivion you can appear to be normal, so perhaps (if possible) we could make it so that if you rise really high the longer you can maintain normal more, or something along those lines, we really need to see how it's implemented in oblivion
personnally I think it is definitelty the other way...
I think the longer you are a vampire, the less normal you are! Big Grin
but whatever.. we will have to see how Oblivion handles it! :yes:
yes, but the more powerful you become the better you are at hiding that abnormality Wink

but as i understand it, you need to feed to remain normal, so (if possible) we can simply turn up the amount off time nessecary between feedings
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