Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Molting - Tsaesci skin
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Please talk about molted skin ideas here. The discussion in the island mod concept art is fascinating.

If and when we get to the Tsaesci part of Akavir, we can use those ideas.
How about this:

The act of molting is considered sacred to the Tsaesci, and is associated with symbols of the creation of the world and origins of the Tsaesci race. Therefore discarded skins are treated as revered objects. This does not, however, prevent the Tsaesci from making use of them, either as tents or other objects, only that whilst doing so they observe elaborate rituals so as not to disturb the life-force believed to still exist in the cast-off skins.

For Tsaesci nobility, however, it is a different story. Since they do not keep written records of their ancestry, keeping last the skin cast off by all their ancestors just before their deaths is seen as proof of descent. Even poorer Tsaesci observe this tradition, though in their case the skins are typically made into objects which are kept as family heirlooms.

In traditional Tsaesci houses, the cast-off skins of ancestors are kept hanging in the entrance-room, above the pool in which all visitors to the house wash their feet (or tails) as a sign of respect. Poorer Tsaesci often imitate this tradition by digging a small pond outside the entrances to their houses for visitors to wash themselves in.