Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Greetings Silgrad Tower Team
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Hey there everybody, I just thought id make a little introduction thread for myself.

I?ve been poking around these forums for a week or so, and am very interested in getting in on the project! I have had some light morrowind modding experience in the past, though most of them were just personal projects.

I like to think of my self as a perfectionist, so despite having less experience than some of the other people here, I guarantee I would not attempt to contribute something unless I felt it was at least on par with everyone else's work. I was rather comfortable with all aspects of the MW CS except for exterior land masses, but that has been much improved, so we will just have to see how it goes for the OB CS. At the vary least I would like to do some quests with attached locations (dungeons, houses ect.).

I am also available for voice acting. I had planned to have some audio attached for you, but unfortunately my computer seems to be having mic trouble. It was a cruddy mic anyway, anything I do for the project would be done at a friend's house, who has a recording studio in his basement. Big Grin
Hi Calilgula. Let me be the first to welcome you to Silgrad Tower!

Aside from prerelease work (ie modelling) there isn't too much to do around here at the moment. We could always use more help, so stick around and there will definately be something for you to contribute. We will likely need voice actors/actresses when the time comes, and I too plan on trying out for that, but we haven't really touched much on that yet.

Once again, welcome to the community!


Cool :yes: :goodjob:
Welcome to the team, Caligula Superfly!

I'm sure you'll do great, and I doubt the limited experience you say you have will be noticeable since all of us pretty much have to start over and re-learn how to mod for the new game. Smile

As noremorse says we haven't looked into dialogue and voice work much yet, as far as pre-work goes. But if you'd be willing to take some voice work on ahead of time then I could write a list of lines (together with some direction) that I think would be great to have in the mod?
Quote:As noremorse says we haven't looked into dialogue and voice work much yet, as far as pre-work goes. But if you'd be willing to take some voice work on ahead of time then I could write a list of lines (together with some direction) that I think would be great to have in the mod?

Thats a possibility, though im not sure how much we should get into untill we can hear some OB voices. Its hard to say how much they will relate to the MW variety, and what range of options we will have per race, if the new range of visual options are any suggestion, we may have the freedom to make redguards sound like imperials sound like breatons ect.
Well, I have my fingers crossed that they used enough voice actors to make a good enough variety that we can do our own and integrate them without it sounding foreign. If not, then I don't see why that should change anything, as we can try to make ours professional enough not to matter too much.

Okidoki. Voicing finished dialogue from the mod will probably be easier all-round anyway.