Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Silgrad Tower and the usage of vanilla assets
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Usage of vanilla assets (exterior and interior).

Unless we indicate otherwise, we want modders to use only ST models while modding for ST.

Exceptions: Clothes, weapons or when you're modding an interior for Steadhelm.

Other interiors (Soluthis, Ald Nium, Ebbedin, Silgrad city, caves etc.) have to use the Silgrad Tower assets.

In certain region areas we use placeholders because the final model isn't available yet. Modders shouldn't mistake placeholders for canon on what they can use, that stock Oblivion assets are only to be used as a last resort, that our own assets are continually updated as time permits to look better and better.

The Core determines which vanilla content can or can't be used for modding.

The Silgrad Tower Core.