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Full Version: Who are House Dres?
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Hope this is the corect location for this. Maybe it should be moved to the Vvardenfell branch, but there were no Dres on the island...

Been thinking about House Dres - as in: 'what is their nature?' 'Not met any of them on Vvardenfell in TES 3, so why?'

Possible answer is that they do not approve of the Tribunal, and for this reason refuse to visit the island, or that they are fundamentally peace-loving, maybe they are terrified by the blight? If it is the blight they might now start to visit Vvardenfell.

What is their 'Speciality?' we already have the warrior guardians of tradition, and the intellectual own house only wizards, and the commerce/slaver pseudo-imperial assassins. The only members of the 4th House appear to be 'Patricians' with a powerful Tribunal-related religious direction. The Wasteland Tribes were left out of the House-Formation process and tried to adhere to the traditional teachings of Veloth, but became more aggressive in response to outside pressures.

To portray a truly credible House Dres they have to have some kind of key reason to hold together in the face of their competitive bretheren. Could they be:

small-farmers, who are anti-slavery because that is the way that the bigger families out-compete, and it would tie them to their corner of the land;

fishermen travel too far and would be met everywhere;

artizans, but then what specialities? potterie, weapons, armour, drawings, paintings, architecture, furniture...

Any further ideas?

I think this is important because it will help to add coherence and direction to the drawings and other concept work if they can be given some kind of character now, as well as for quest-creation later.
sorry, dude

but house dres already has plenty of lore behind it, and already has plenty of character. if you want more info on them you should check this out
Why not make this thread regarding Dres in general, not including their expansion plans in Vvardefell?
i assumed kukluza would eventually make a "House Dres Plans on Vvardenfell" thread, thats all
I meant to use this as kind of more history and economic related info thread for Dres.
i figured that would be covered in the house dres plans thread...


no this is good... we need to stir up more ideas 1st ... for both Dres and Indoril... cause we know less of their motives... I wanted to start discussion threads but never got around to it... so before I make their "plans-threads" I think we should discuss and develope more about them besides what is already known...
so anyhow... the Dres are mostly in these groups:
small farmers/fishers
plantation owners with slaves
professional/mercenary warriors
slave/crop tradersmen
artisans, craftsmen, etc.

the Dres are strong supporters of the Tribunal but ALSO worship ancestors and Daedra... (well only the "3 good daedra")... so they still worship as the old Velothi did, but within the limits of the Temple's rules.. the Temple allowed such exceptions to make conversion easier for the masses...

and don't take the House culture as a definite sign of their overall occupation... Hlaalu aren't assassins... they use them... but they aren't always assassins... they are traders... Redoran lean more for pious folk... connected to a strong martial tradition... Telvanni are magically inclined but do hve smugglers, slave traders, warriors... Indoril is a theocratic House but also has an awesome military and pious life... Dres are the big land-owners w/ slaves but not all Dres are slavers...
each House is like a nation, for example... the Mixtec nation of Mexico... they are known for their metal works long ago in the Aztec Empire... doesn't mean they are ALL smiths... just means they have a culture developed around it and they are known for their great smiths...
Again I will use the comparison to novels like Dune, The Almstad Wars and such.
I was thinking and rethinking the Dres...
they are very traditional.... they are slavers... they live in the southern plains and marshes...

so I think their military would be made up of mercenaries, noblemen, and Dres militia. Their armor is likely to be bonemold or hides that are waterproof.... due to the fuedal nature of their lives... I think the militias would be poorly armed... but they would serve in emergency purposes when a thick line of 'cannon-fodder' is needed....the aristocratic noble warriors would probably be the elite corps and the warrior/mercenary class would be the ordinary soldier. Unlike the House Hlaalu, House Dres is anti-outlander, meaning fewer hirelings will be foreign.... thus the warrior class will basically be a class of profesional Dunmer warriors. These guys will not be great in number but will be very well trained as that is their occupation, they have no need of going back home to till the land or hunt for game...I think the government would be like a council (like the others) but the councilors decided by nobles who were in turn decided by the local hetmen who paid tribute to the noblemen.... and provided militia and their warriors when needed... although the noble probably had his own hirelings and noble-guards, etc.

as you can see, the Dunmer Houses vary in military style/strength....
Hlaalu- has a small military population, able to hire generals and masses of mercenaries
Indoril- clansmen serve in armed forces when needed, has a very strong & large formal army
Redoran- local populace arms at will, can draw many good disciplined warriors from the populace, but no large formal standing army
Dres- profesional mercenary warrior class of Dunmer, noblemen, and militia
Telvanni- warrior-mages and hirelings, requires strategy and magics to avoid heavy casualties and inflict big damage due to fewer numbers

Dagoth- raiders, barbarians, sleepers and dreamers; basically a guerilla force, large hordes in bases... relatively undiciplined
Ashlander- warriors serve as hunters and herders in peace time, each tribe can field from a few to hundreds of warriors. all males and some females can serve as warriors but only a number of them are actual warriors. fewer in number than most armies, relatively undiciplined

what do you guys think of my interpretation?
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