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After months of arduous campaigning, debating, and persuading, the election is over.

So now, the new president of the United States is Barack Obama.

Personally, I find this awful, and I think that America should have chosen differently. Anyone else have any other opinions?
Personally I'm not really sure I have an opinion...
A fact is that McCain's foreign politics would've been "benefitial" as such(from Estland's point of view), but on the other hand if Obama would fulfill his promises it would be a moment to cherish as such. But no one can tell how much he can realize, and how much he actually intends to realize.
BTW:What thoughts of him potentially becoming the next JFK if you know what I mean? There are quite a few similarities so inevitable there has been talk surrounding that.
Politics is a bad subject

BIG BUSINESS runs America

The president just does what they tell him to do

I do find Obama a bit 'woolly' really, and can thoroughly appreciate McCain's points. I think McCain would have made an excellent Prez but, in the end, he has to cope with the big, dumb, dead albatross of George W. hanging round his neck....and I'd have liked to have seen Sarah Palin walking around more often in short skirts! :goodjob:

However, it's an absolute marvel in terms of media campaigning. Obama is a genuinely quality speaker, a likeable character but an utterly awesome icon for America! The worry is that that's all he'll be, an excellent figurehead. Britain was led by an excellent leader in the form of Tony's just a pity that he was an unconscionably deceitful, idiotic puppet of a toff who should now be in prison rather than brown-nosing his way into a top European job whilst people admire him without ever realising that he has nothing of genuine value to actually bring to the world.

I feel (and sincerely hope) that Obama is more than that. Although people with ideals are generally not as good leaders as those with a hard-nosed but clear plan, I nonetheless can't argue with the idea of bringing back the troops from Afghanistan. Have you tried swatting all of the flies that hang around a riverbank? You can get quite far with chemicals and heavy duty whacking....but they just keep on coming!
McCain had previously worked on Trade agreements with New Zealand, however I feel Obama is better suited to healing the current economic crisis which has been badly affecting NZ too, and there's nothing to show Obama is going to treat the trade agreements with NZ any different to how McCain would have, even if it's priority has been lessened.
In regards to his character, I find that he can bring back some of the respect America has lost over the last eight years in the eyes of the international community, and from my perspective he already has.
I don't support Obama mainly for his socialist policies. I know many other countries out there use socialism successfully, but conditions in America are different, such as the fact that there is a much greater amount of lazy jobless people in America than somewhere like France. For the past few decades, many jobless people have just been leeching off of things like welfare and have grown so accustomed to it that they have lost all interest in getting a job, because the government will just keep providing for them. I remember one day where a student at my school who never did his work was approached by my history teacher in class about it, and my teacher asked him "What do you plan to do with your life if you're not going to pass High School?" and his response just killed me, "Nothing. I'll just go on welfare." And now Obama is applying this concept to the entire economy, giving money from those who work for it to those who do not. It's like raising 10 rabbits all on your own with nothing but your own effort and work, only to have some guy come along and give half of them to Mr. Joe across the street because he doesn't want to raise his own. I understand that there may be some people who honestly try to make a living and struggle with this, my family works hard all year just to keep our house, but in most cases, it's nothing but pure laziness. So now the government is going to tax my family's money and just give it away to some person who is probably too lazy to get a job of their own. I just don't see the sense in that.

But it's too late to go back now, America has made it's decision. But Obama had better help this country in some way, or the entire nation will have his head.
oh WOW iate. not sure where youre from, but you have a horrible view of jobless people. for every person that leeches off welfare there are thousands who truly need it to get by. im going to assume your parents have jobs, and that you live in your own house. would you oppose social security if one or both of your parents lost their jobs? what would you pay off your mortgage with? college? food? besides, people who just sit around all day loose their SS benefits after 6(?) months.

PS. it is "socialist" policies that got us out of the Great Depression.
I sympathise completely with your viewpoint, IATE. I'm not a fan of socialism. In fact, if I had my own way I would be quite radically nationalistic, not out of patriotism but precisely because there are too many leeches sucking the blood out of Britain.
Quote:Originally posted by Lady Nerevar
oh WOW iate. not sure where you're from, but you have a horrible view of jobless people. for every person that leeches off welfare there are thousands who truly need it to get by. I'm going to assume your parents have jobs, and that you live in your own house. would you oppose social security if one or both of your parents lost their jobs? what would you pay off your mortgage with? college? food? besides, people who just sit around all day loose their SS benefits after 6(?) months.

PS. it is "socialist" policies that got us out of the Great Depression.

I know, I understand your views. i do know that there really are a significant number of people who truly do need things like Welfare and Socialist economy to keep going. But, they are in the significant minority. Maybe I'm a little biased, I live near the wonderful city of Springfield Mass where about 25% of the people in it are all on Welfare, and about 95% of that group are on it because of laziness.

But no, my parents work to keep our home. If they lost their jobs, they would work to immediately get another one. My mother and father have both worked two jobs at times when we needed money. I'm old enough to get my own job, my father works on people's computers for some extra cash as well as working on houses for some extra cash as well. When we have financial issues, we work hard to make it by, and we've never needed help from the government.

Socialist policies may have gotten us out of the great depression, and that's all fine and dandy. But the great depression is over, and there are times when these things are just no longer needed.
"immediately get another" may not be an option. and the great depression could very well have (and can still) make an comeback. the past is NEVER in the past.

im also quite sure that 95% of your town are not just lazy bastards.
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