Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Soluthis' Grassy Region: Area Claim #01 [OLD]
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Is it ok if I claim this area?
First, you'll need to hit this thread and grab some initials. Then the actual granting is up to Razorwing.

Thanks Smile I had a chat with him, and I got the impression that I could go ahead and do it... I best wait for confirmation, though =)
Quote:From the OP (written by Razorwing)
To claim this area, post a reply saying so. You don't have to wait for anyone to confirm your claim, you can get started right away.
Have fun! :yes:
Looking forward to following your progress :goodjob:
Does anybody know if you can set the CS so that the cell boundaries are visible?
Quote:Originally posted by Legartius
Does anybody know if you can set the CS so that the cell boundaries are visible?

In the render window, hit B.

Thanks Smile
Another question: when i'm texturing the ground, I get a kind of squaring, where I can't texture certain cells, but I can texture others. Is there a way to sort this?
Quote:Originally posted by Legartius
Thanks Smile
Another question: when i'm texturing the ground, I get a kind of squaring, where I can't texture certain cells, but I can texture others. Is there a way to sort this?
Check this post.
Thanks Smile I think it's something to do with the limit of textures per cell, I vaguely recall it now. Thanks for all the answers guys Smile
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